Chapter 5: I'm Postitive

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My face turned tomato red, my palms became sweaty, and my heart started pounding. "I thought you guys would be at work." I told my parents. Theyre faces pale, and eyes glaring. "So did we. But then we did a crazy thing like worry about you when you didn't come home at your curfew. We also tried calling you but oh! Look, your phones right here." Mom told me, holding up my phone. "Give it too me." I sighed. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, Darcy. You're grounded."

"What?! Why?! For what!?" I yelled. "Well, lets see. You come home six hours after your curfew, you don't even try to contact me or your father at anytime, and you reak of alcohol. You're too young to be drinking that much that you don't even know what happened the nigh before!" Mom yelled. My eyebrow raised. "How did you know that?" I whispered. Mom got on her feet and got close too me. "Lets just say, Brandon is more honest then you."

"He told you?"

Suddenly, my father jumped up from my bed and bumped into me, leaving the room without sayng a word. "I'm so dissapointed in you, Darcy. I never thought you'd be like this."

"I'm seventeen, mom. I'm old enough to make my own dicisions."

"Really, Darc? Look at you. You can't even take care of yourself. Let along make your own dicisions." She sighed. "Mom, I-"

"You will not leave this house but for school, and dinner. For a month."

"But Mom!!" I shouted. "No buts!" She yelled back, slamming my door shut.

My body wanted me to wake up the next morning, but all I wanted too do was sleep forever. Forget the last few nights. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock next to me.

It read 6:30. I slammed my pillow onto my head until my stomach began to growl again. Was I hungry? No. Not hungry.

I raced outside my bedroom into the bathroom and quickly ran too the toilet. Bringing back a taste in my mouth I didn't want there. I don't get it. I barely had single bite too eat since the party. How was there anything left?

I flushed and sat there in front of the toilet. Confused and humiliated. I finally got the courage to look under the sink, damn. no spare test strips. How could I possibly get a pregnancy test whithout leaving the house? I left it alone as I went back too sleep.

The smell of pancakes filled my nostrils as I woke up around 10:30 from my nap. I quickly ran downstairs to find my mom chowing down. I sighed and looked outside for my car, but it was gone. "Where- wheres my car?"

"In the shop. Your not going anywhere." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Well, i need to go too the store." I told her. She laughed. "Yeah? For what?" She asked. I hesitated. "I just need some tampons." For once, i wish I needed tampons. "Okay fine, I'll run to the store after breakfast."

"Mom seriously? Just let me go with you. I need....Special ones." I told her. She sighed. "Alright fine. But no tricky buisiness."


We left for the store and It was a quiet ride. Once we got to the store, I quickly got out and headed to the isle were I could get two or three packs of prenancy tests. I knew I wouldn't believe it the first time whether it came out positive or not. Once i paid for them, I took them out and stuffed them into the tampon box.

I got into the car and my mom immediatly asks, "What did you get?" I rolled my eyes and took out the tampon box only so far out of the bag so it wouldn't reveal the open part.

I finally got home and ran up to the bathroom. I took out a test and followed the intructions. I slowly waited the three minutes and then picked it up.

I'm pregnant.


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