Chapter 7: Torn

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My heart was broken. It's been two weeks since Brandon has talked too me. I don't even know if we broke up, or we are just taking a break. He never officially said it. On the bright side, I was ungrounded and my morning sickness decreased dramatically. Now it's only every other day I puke.

I need too tell my mom. Or dad. Well, I've barely spoken to my dad since the morning I came home three weeks ago. My mom and I only exchanged looks and talked too each other about things like shopping, how our day was like, what are we doing for dinner....

I played with the spaghetti on my plate with mom across the table. Dad always worked late. I always thought it was because he didn't want to bother with me. "Will you eat already? It's going to get cold." She told me. I sighed and twisted a few noodles onto my fork and stuffed them into my mouth. When I swallowed the noodles, I opened my mouth to speak. "Mom?"

"What sweetheart?" She asked. I started playing with my food again, trying to stall time to think of something to say. "I need to tell you something."

She hesitated for a moment. Then she nodded her head. "Yes?"

"Mom...I'm pr-...I'm pregnant." I spat out. She closed her eyes, but she sighed. As if she was sighing for relief. "Thank you for finally telling me."

"Look, i know you're mad. But I will find a place of my own and I-" I started too say before I realized what she had said. "Finally? You already knew?!"

"Of course I already knew. You don't think I can hear you in the morning? You're lucky your father is a heavy sleeper." She told me. My jaw dropped. "So, you've known all this time I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, Darcy. I was hoping one day you'd finally tell me. A part of me was dreading the day. Only because I didn't want to believe it." She said. I sighed. "Can you take me too the doctor?" I asked her. She smiled. "Yes hunny."

"Wait so, you're not mad at me?"

"I'm disappointed...But it's something you can't undo, sweetheart. Have you found out what you're going to do with it?"

"I was...hoping to have it adopted." I told her. She smiled. "I think that's best too, Darc." She said.

After the doctors appointment, we scheduled the due date and the first ultra-sound. The due date was January 8th. Well, todays June 21st. I guess that sounds correct. January 8th was also Brandon's birthday. I would of told hm, but...I haven't gotten a hold of him in a while.

I decided to get my mind off things and take a walk to the park. When I got to the benches, I found Tyler sitting on one of them. I kinda smiled and sat next to him. "Hey."

He turned his head and smiled too. "Darcy! Whats up girl?" He asked giving me a hug. "I got some news." I told him. "Really? Like what?"

"I'm pregnant." I said. His jaw dropped. "You are not."

"I am." I said. He started chuckling as if he couldn't believe it. "Really. Wow. Um, whos is it?" I slapped him on the shoulder. "It's Brandon's! What you think i'm some whore?"

"I didn't say that!"

"You implied it!" I laughed. He laughed too. "I'm just kidding." His eyes started to go down to my stomach. "So, you're really carrying a baby?" He asked. I nodded. "Hows Brandon taking it?" He asked. I hesitated. Sour spot.

"Um, not well. He left me." I spit out. His jaw dropped. "What? No." Tears started streaming down my face. "He just got so mad. He said he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby. I couldn't believe it." I covered my face with my hands as Tyler wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry. You know i'm always here if you need me. Brandon is a douche bag for leaving you. If you need anything, a ride...Money..anything, just call me." He told me. I smiled. "Really?"

"Of course. You've been my bestfriend since kindergarten. Just because you have a baby, doesn't mean I'll treat you differently." He said. I smiled bigger. "Thank you." I told him. He nodded. "Anytime." My heart started racing. Was I getting feelings for this kid? No. Just stop. You love Brandon. But why? He left me. And Tyler is here for me and only me. Brandon isn't anymore.

Brandon isn't anymore.

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