5: A Present

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Amy's POV:
Lilith has been depressed ever since Chip was taken. Ty saw him for sale online, but with the baby, it was too much.

I walk out of my and Ty's bedroom, and see Lilith staring at the blank tv. "You okay?" I ask her, while I sit next to her. She doesn't say a word. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask. She doesn't say a word again.

I get up and grab my phone. "Lilith, I'm going downstairs to make a call." I tell her. I wobble downstairs, and out of the barn. I call Ty.
Amy: Hey,
Ty: What's up?
Amy: We need to get Chip back.
Ty: We can't afford it, your 8 1/2 months pregnant.
Amy: Well...
Ty: Well what?
Amy: remember Ahmed?
Ty: How could I forget someone who tried to take my wife?
Amy: Remember how I worked for him?
Ty: You aren't thinking of working for him again...
Amy: We have all that money in the bank, we can use that.
Ty: We said we would use that for our clinic.
Amy: Isn't this more important?
Ty: I'll call the guy today.
Amy: Thank you! I have an idea...

3rd person:
After the phone call, Amy wobbled upstairs, taking a breath at each step. Once up, she walked over to the couch and polped down next to Lilith. "Wow that is a workout." She puffs.

Amy sees a tear come from Lilith's face. "Aww baby!" Amy put Lilith's head to her shoulder. Lilith sat there, crying in Amy's shoulder.

Ty's POV:
"Yes, thank you. 3:30 right? Perfect bye."
I hang up the phone. I just set up a appointment to see Chip. I go online and check the balance of the bank account all of Amy's money from Ahmad is. Damn, there is enough to buy 2 Chips...

"Ty?" Scott plunks me out of my deep thought. "Ya." I ask. "Look what just arrived." Scott pulls a golden door place saying, 'Dr. Ty Broden and Dr. Scott Cardinal'. "Wow." I say taking it from Scott's hands.

"Lets go hang it." Scott takes it. We walk to the front door. He hands me the new place, and pries off the old one. He backs up, and tells me to put it on. Carefully, I put the place in. I step back. "It looks amazing." He says. "Thank you." I say. "I heard you on the phone with Amy, go and get Lilith that horse." he says. I hug Scott, and runs off to my car.

When I got upstairs, I saw Amy and Lilith in the couch, with Lilith crying in Amy's shoulder. "Lil!" I ran up to her. "I miss Chip." She cries.
"Let's go in a drive." I say. She shakes her head.

Lilith and Amy get in the truck. "One second." I say. I go hook up the horse trailer. "Why do we need that?" Lilith asks. "We are going to look at horses." Amy says. "I don't want no horse but Chip." Lilith says. "At least took at the horses." I beg. She shakes her head and we drive off.

We get to the ranch and we get out. The man is standing there. "Hi, I'm Ty Borden. This is my wife Amy and our daughter Lilith." I shake his hand. "I'm Jake Mallon." Says the guy.

"Was your dad the one who lived on Mallon Ranch 10 years ago? He had a jumper named Spartan?" Amy asked. "Ya. Someone took the horse, I am happy, the poor thing was abused." Said Jake. "That was my mother and I." Amy chuckled. "Wow. Thank your mother for that." He said. "She died the night we got Spartan. We were in a crash back home, but Spartan is still alive." Amy says sadly.

"I am so sorry, I am happy the horse is okay, you are here to see Sputnik?" Jake asks. "Yes, for our daughter." I answered. "I'll go get him." Jake left we waited for 5 minutes, but then they came around the corner. "CHIP!!" Lilith ran up to him. She hugged Chip's neck.

"You know him?" Jake said confused. "We were the ones that found him. Lilith named him Chip." Amy explained. "He is $15,000 dollars, you know that?" Asked Jake. Lilith looked at us in shock. "Yes. Here is the money." I handed him the cash. He counted it slowly. "Here." He handed Lilith the lead.

Lilith's POV:
We put Chip in the trailer, I was so excited. "You didn't have to do that." I say, as we get in the car. "Yes we did." Ty said. Amy looks at us wide eyed, just before she got in the car. "My water just broke." She says.

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