23: Best Day Ever

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Lilith's POV:

 "Daniel!" I yell, running to him. He just got back from the trip 3 weeks later. I jump into his arms, and kiss him. "Hey Lil." Daniel says, putting me down. "I have so much to tell you!" I say, taking his hand, and walking out of the airport.

"Like Chip can do liberty work! And he was never taught, he just did it!" I say, getting in the passenger seat of Dad's dark blue 1958 GMC truck. "I am just going to pretend that  I know what that is." Daniel laughs, starting the car. "It is this amazing thing, where you do these signals and the horse will rear or lay down on command! I'll show you when I get home." I say excited. 

 "Oh and Harper misses you so much!" I say. "More than you?" He asks, looking from the road to me. "I don't think that is even possible." I answer, leaning my head on his shoulder.

 We pull into HeartLand, after we dropped Daniel's stuff at our house. "Danny!" Harper screams, running to Daniel and I. "Hey squirt!" He laughs. Daniel picks up Harper, and we start to walk into the house.

 "Hey Daniel!" Dad says, patting Daniel's back. "Got to go." Dad says, kissing my forehead. "Bye." I say, getting a cup of coffee for Daniel and I. "Of Daniel my man!" Grandpa says as he comes in the house. "Oh, hey you two!" GG says, walking in behind Grandpa, kissing me on the forehead.

 "How was your trip?" Grandpa asks. "Fine, just fine." Daniel smiles. "Oh hey, I got to go." I say, looking at my watch. "Where are you going?" Daniel asks. "I'm helping Mom with a horse." I say, grabbing my hat off of the hook. "Love you." I say, after kissing Daniel. "Bye." He smiles.

 "Hey sorry I'm late. Daniel just got home and everyone is asking so many questions." I say, hoping onto Krimp. "Okay, so just walk her around the arena once, and then jump her once." Mom directs. I do as told, and jump the 8'0 jump.

 "Good, she can go home now." Mom says, as I walk to her at the gate. "How do you know? She seems the say as she was yesterday." I ask, hoping off Krimp.  "The jump was more formed than it was yesterday." She answers.

 My phone rings, and I pick it out of my pocket. It is my jumping team coach, Tina.

Tina (T): Hey Lilith, you need to get to the arena right away."

Lilith (L): Okay, may I ask why?

T: We just found out that the Queen Of England is coming, and she wanted to see you jump.  

L: Wait? Why Me?

T: Her granddaughter showed her a photo of you jumping and she came just for that.

L: Wait really? Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes.

 I hung up he phone, and looked to Mom. "What was that about?" She asks, brushing off Krimp. "That was Tina. She said that the Queen OF England came here to see me jump." I chime. "Wait really??" Mom asks excited. "Ya, I have to put Chip in the trailer and get dressed." I say, running upstairs. "I'll do the trailer, you get dressed." Mom yells from downstairs.

 I hurry up and get dressed. I run downstairs and grab all of Chip's tack in one trip. I set in in teh trailer. I rub Chip's soft muzzle through the window, and get in the car. "Can you call Daniel, and tell him to meet me at Huston Jumping?" I ask, rolling down the truck window. "Ya, go hurry!" Mom says excitedly.

 I drive as fast as the laws would allow. I get to Huston Jumping, and I unload Chip as fast as I can. I tack him up in the gold and white tack. "Hey, so do I jump first, or meet Queen Elizabeth?" I ask, tightening the girth. "You jump first, then meet the Queen." Tina answers.

I get on Chip, and go into the arena. I trot him around, and start into a gallop. All of the fences are 8'0, which scares me. I bring Chip to the first jump cleared, second cleared, and all of them are the same.

 I trot Chip to where the Queen and her Granddaughter Zara. "Queen Elizabeth, Princess Zara, thank you for coming to see me." I say, with a grin ear to ear. "No, thank you for jumping for us on such short notice." The Queen says. "Now, whom is this?" Princess Zara says, petting Chip's muzzle.

"This is my horse, Chip." I say. "He can do more than just jump." I say, getting off of Chip, and then unstrapping his girth. I the saddle on the rails, and take off the bridal. 

 "Stay." I say to Chip, and walk backwards. "Come on!" I say, patting my knees like he is a puppy. He starts at a gallop to me, and I run the other way. I feel like a little kid, playing tag with my best friend. I turn, and raise my arms, and he goes into a rear.

 I walk over to where the Queen and Princess are, with Chip following. "Wow! That was amazing!" Princess Zara laughs. "Thank you." I smile. Chip lays his head on my shoulder, asking for me to pet him.

 Just then, I see Daniel in the corner of my eye. "Oh, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Zara, this is my husband, Daniel." I say, wrapping my arm around Daniel's waist. "Queen, Princess, it is an honor." Daniel smiles. 

 "You too, your wife is an amazing jumper, and liberty worker." The Queen says. "It is all Chip." I smile, petting Chip's soft muzzle. 

 "Now, lets get to the real reason why I am here." the Queen says, in her magnificent accent. "I thought it was so you could see me jump." I say, confused. "Well, partly." She answered.

 "When Zara showed me your jumping, I was instantly interested. I watched many videos of you jumping, and watched how well you and Chip worked together. So, I decided, after watching many videos of you jumping, that I want you to be captain of the British Olympic Horse Jumping Team." The Queen says.

"I thought it was for British only." I say, my heart beating. "Well, I made an exception." The Queen says, with the biggest smile I have ever seen. "So, what do you say. You can stay here in Canada, and the team would move here." The Queen asks. "Yes!" I smile.

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