31: Life With Twins

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                                                                                -6 Months Later-

Lilith's POV:

 I wake up to the sound of crying. "Your turn." I hear Daniel slur. I slug off of bed, and tot eh nursery. "Thomas, why are you crying?" I ask, knowing there will be no response. I go to the changing station, and change his diaper.

 I sit in the chair, and start to rock him. "No way to say how the days will unfold. No way to change what future may hold. But I want you in it, every hour every, minute. The world can race by far to fast. Hard to see while its all flying past. But its clear now, with you standing here now, I am meant to be, wherever you are next to me. All I want to do, is come running home to you." I sing. "I didn't know you sang." Daniel says, scaring me.

 "Not really. I just read it helps the baby sleep." I say, standing and putting Thomas in the crib. "You should sing more." Daniel says, wrapping his arms around my waist. We stand there, watching over Thomas and Paisley sleep. "Do you think Paisley is going to be a daddy or mommy's girl?" Daniel asks, after awhile of quite. "I think she will be a Mommy's girl, and Thomas will be a Daddy's boy." I answer with a smile.

                                                                     -That Morning-

 I wake up to the roaster cooing. I turn over, and see that Daniel is gone. I go into the twins' nursery, and they are gone to. I look all around the house, and don't see them anywhere. I decide to go outside. I see Daniel, leading Justin, with the twins on a buckled saddle that Daniel and I got. 

"Hey." I say, as I go tot he small arena Daniel and the twins are at. "Hey babe." Daniel says, walking over to me and kissing me. "You teaching them to ride?" I ask, kissing Thomas and Paisley on the forehead. "Yep." Daniel smiles. "Don't tell Lou. Unless you want to get a lecture." I tell him.

 We decide to go on trail ride. I get on Chip with Paisley and Daniel and Thomas are on Boomerang. We walk down to the oaks, and around the river. By the time we get home, both Thomas and Paisley are passed out, leaning on Daniel and my arm.

 We put them in bed, and go to watch a movie. "What do you want to watch?" Daniel asks, as I sit on the couch. "The live action Beauty and the Beast!" I smile. "No anything but that." Daniel begs. "Fine, Hannah Montana the Movie." I tease. "Beauty and the Beast it is." Daniel says, grabbing the movie from the counter.



 Told you I would post again today. So question, would you rather 2 short chapters or 1 long chapter a day? Okay thanks.


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