31 Day Challenge

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Okay guys, so a bunch of people in my "wattpad circle" (wut) have been doing this "31 Day Challenge" where you post something about yourself once a day so your followers can get to know you better. @thinwhitelines came up with it, so WOOOHOOO, congrats, and I'm just gonna do it to because, ya know. *points thumbs at self* SHEEEEPPPPP!!!

Here are the thingers. ( I dunno if they're all 100% correct, since I just retyped them from memory, but let's just assume they are, yeah?)

Day 1.) Five ways to win my heart

Day 2.) Something I feel strongly about

Day 3.) A book I love and why

Day 4.) My Favorite movie and why

Day 5.) My favorite t.v show

Day 6.) If I was to have a baby, what name to pick and why

Day 7.) Five pet peeves

Day 8.) Something no one knows about meh

Day 9.) Thing I'm most proud of in my life

Day 10.) Put iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs

Day 11.) Top five favorite male celebrities 

Day 12.) Top five favorite female celebrities

Day 13) A quote I try to live by

Day 14.) Favorite color and why

Day 15.) If there was a movie of mah life, what would it be called

Day 16.) What's your zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality

Day 17.) Five things i like about myself

Day 18.) Five things I dislike about myself

Day 19.) fave male character

Day 20.) fave female character

Day 21.) someone I wish was still in my life

Day 22.) Someone I wish wasn't in my life

Day 23.) Five strange things about me

Day 24.) dream job

Day 25.) what I think about society

Day 26.) something funny I laugh at

Day 27.) Odd quirk about me

Day 28.) fave outfit and why

Day 29.) fave number and why

Day 30.) bad habit

Day 31.) paragraph about me

I hope you all enjoy! :)

(Oh yeah, and a few chapters like Day 8, are private, so you'll have to follow me to see it. Then after you read it you can unfollow, so. Yeah, just lettin ya know, none are missing, just privated, so. )

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