Day 2: Something I Feel Strongly About

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I thought really hard about this topic, because there are a lot of different topics I was going to put for this. I was going to do gay rights, but I've already written a rant about that. I was going to do love, but that's mushy and stupid. It took me SO long to figure out what I was gonna do, but I think I've come up with a good thing.

Loyalty. Trust. Friendship. All things are extremely important to me, and I feel like I only have one person who I share all these things with. Someone I'll be loyal to, forever (even when she's being a little bitchy). Someone who I trust with my life, and tell everything to (even though I'm sure she gets annoyed). And most important, someone who is BASICALLY my only friend. (I love you Jewelia!!)

I really think that everyone should have someone like this, because friendship, (and companionship) is so über important, and makes your life so much happier. I never want to be that friend who only likes you until someone better comes along. I never want to have a friend who freaks out over the smallest things. I don't want someone who believes things others say about me. That's not friendship. I sure hope there's no one like that in my life.

I'm one of those people who doesn't like to be alone, so I talk to a lot of different people for the sole purpose of having a lot of people to talk to. I sit with different people at lunch sometimes so that I have somewhere to sit at lunch all the time. I like being surrounded by people who care a little bit about me, but I'd rather be with one person who I'd give the world to. Best friends are super important. 

I don't know if this made a lot of sense to you, but I hope it did. Friendship. Loyalty. Trust. Important. Boom.

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