Day 22: Someone I Wish Wasn't In My Life

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No one! Sure, there are some people in my life that I don't like, and who aggravate me and make me feel like shit, but the bad people just make you stronger. They're in my life for a reason, and if they weren't I'd probably be a different person. The girl in my P.E class is a total bitch and makes me feel like shit all the time, but if she didn't I wouldn't know what it felt like to be hurt, so it's probably a good thing she's there. 

That annoying chick in my French class who talks to me all the time is super aggravating, but maybe she just needs someone to talk to, so boom. She can stay. 

Flucking Alonzo's dumb ass is being a major bitch lately, (sorry for my cussing) but if he wasn't in my life, I wouldn't know what it feels like to be mad at a friend who's a freaking dumbass bringing up shit that he knows is just gonna ruin relationships. *clears throat*

Anyways. I'm positive I need all the people in my life. The annoying, mean, rude, drama filled people to keep me on my toes and build up my ability to take shit from people. The fantastic, amazing, beautiful people to make me happy. My friends, my sisters and all those good people are the light of my life, so I'll keep them close to brighten up the darkness that those shit people bring. 

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