Day 15: If There Was a Movie of My Life, What Would It Be Called

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Wow, that's a long title. Okay. If there was a movie of my life, it would be called.... Poop. A documentary about me. Because if I was on Netflix, and I saw a movie called "Poop" I'd probably click on it to see what it was about. Then I'd watch it because I'd wanna see if in the movie it explained to me why it was called poop. 

And because my life is kinda poopy lately, with all this high school drama nonsense and bullshit. So poop is a pretty accurate name! It's also really funny to say. Poop. hehe, say it really loud. 


Nonononononononono. You have to say it in a really loud screamo voice. DO IT NOW!!

POOOOOOOOOOOOP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god. But yeah it'd probably be called poop. 

Or "Life of a Boy-Crazed Teenager". ^-^

Or "I'm A Fucking Idiot Sometimes"

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