Day 7: 5 Pet Peeves

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This should be easy since basically everything anyone does pisses me off. 

1.) When people chew chocolate. Like who the fuck chews chocolate?!?! I mean, I understand if it has like, a candy coating like M&M's or something, but like why on earth would you want to chew a chocolate bar? I know, a bunch of you probably think I'm crazy right now, but I just don't get it. I mean, I just let it melt in my mouth... Chocolate is delicious, and I don't know why you would't want to SAVOR THAT FLAVOR!!!

2.) When people look at me. I know, weird, but I don't know why anyone would want to look at me, and when people just stare at me for extended amounts of time, I kinda wanna punch them in the face. This kinda ties with another pet peeve, so I'm just gonna put them together. When people look at me while I'm fangirling. Like, can I help you?! Stop looking at me!! This fangirl experience is for me, and me only, and I don't know who you think you are if you think it's okay to watch me while I'm all vulerable and fangirly. Stop it. 

3.) I've mentioned this in my rants, but it seriously annoys me when people say "I could care less" when they don't care about something. Like if a homophobic person for example said "I could care less about gay people's feelings." Obviously you don't care at all, so why don't you say "I COULDN'T care less." THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE!!! "I couldn't care less" Implies that you seriously don't give a fuck, and that you couldn't give a fuck less, because zero fucks are given. Couldn't care less. 

4.) When people eat with their mouths open. Like fucking stop!! Seriously, do you not know how to chew your food with your lips CLOSED!?? I understand if you have a cold, and you need some oxygen in your system, but I feel like if you know you're unable to currently breathe through your nose, then you should time your bites better. Take a breath before you put it in your mouth, make sure it's a small bite, and chew really quickly so no one has to see your nasty half chewed food. 

But if it's absolutely necessary to open your mouth while there's food in it, then COVER YOUR MOUTH WITH YOUR SLEEVE!!! This also applies to talking with food in your mouth. DON'T! But if it's a super important thing, it's not. Don't talk with food in your mouth, It's gross, and I can't understand you. Also, don't chew loudly and obnoxiously. Don't! I know it's impossible to chew silently, but there's no reason for me to be able to hear every single sloshy chomp noise. Stop. It's called table manners. 

5.) When people automatically assume by looking at you, and how you act, they know everything about you. No. Just because I flip my hair a lot and giggle, doesn't mean I think I'm cute. I think I'm fucking ugly, but I like flipping my hair and giggling. Don't judge me! Just because that super hot guy tried to hold his friends hand (he was joking) doesn't mean he's gay! Stop judging!

And 6.) My mother. Everything she does pisses me off because she's a stupid bitch with no logic and I wanna punch her in the throat.

Okay, and 7.) When people write "defiantly" when they mean "definitely". Those are such different words guy. Defiant and Definite. Figure it out please. *cough* Jewelia *cough*

This whole thing is basically just a rant about what I don't like about people... Oops.

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