Day 3: A Book I Love And Why

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This is in no way my favorite book, because every time I read a new book it becomes my favorite, but this is just a book that I've read a bajillion times and would like to share with you. 

 Fire because it's fucking amazing and you should read it. 

Some of my favorite books (In no particular order)

1.) Flowers for Algernon

2.) Divergent

3.) The Infernal Devices

4.) The Mortal Instruments

5.) Hunger Games (Literally read the entire series 8 times... :) )

6.) Harry Potter (Whole series 5 times :) )

7.) All The Days Of Her Life

8.) Don't Die, My Love (tear jerker!!)

9.) Daughters of the Moon series

10.) Pendragon series

11.) A Midsummernight's Dream

12.) To Kill A MockingBird

13.) Graceling

14.) Bitterblue

15.) Fire

16.) Percy Jackson Series

17.) Kane series

Comment below if you're wondering about the authors to any of these books. :)

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