Day 25: What I Think About Society

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Sorry I'm late on this guys, I just didn't feel like doing it.

Well simply put, I hate society, for a few reasons! 

Media. Little girls all over the world hate themselves because there are pictures of what they "should" look like in magazines and commercials and it's horrible! None of those pictures are even real anyways!! They're all edited and photo shopped, and it's stupid! Not only is it making girls feel bad about themselves, but it gives guys a higher expectation of women. Freaking messed up and stupid. Ugh!!

Human rights that DON'T EXIST! So gay people can't get married? That's jacked up. 

This is super rushed, #sorrynot

Greed. Everyone nowadays needs something materialistic like nice things or money to buy nice things with. Can't we just enjoy each other?! Jesus Christ, I'd rather have a boyfriend than a laptop. I'm just saying!!

I dunno. 


I don't like society, I think we're all a bunch of dumbass greedy douche bags,

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