Day 14: Favorite Color and Why

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I have a few.

1.) Rainbow. Because UNICORNSSSSS

2.) Plaid. Because I dunno, my favorite shirt is plaid so... :)

3.) Galaxy. Because UNICORNSSSSS

And if you think those aren't colors (you're stupid) (just kidding, I'm stupid) but I'll give you my actual favorite color. 

It used to be orange since I was like, 4 or something, but now it's purple. Like, a darker purple, not a light purple. My bedroom at my dad's is light purple, and I don't like it so I switched rooms with my sister. Dark purple. Like the purple in galaxy. Dark. 

Oh, and sparkly. Sparkly is another one of my favorite colors. 

Oh, and I don't fucking like your ass at all so don't talk to me. (None of you acrually know who I'm talking to, and if you think I'm talking about Kara, or Allison, then you're wrong so. )

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