Day 18: Five Things I Dislike About Myself

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This one seems way easier than yesterday's challenge!!

1.) My face. I don't like being ugly, but it's not that big of a deal. 

2.) I don't like the fact that I always have to have the last word in an argument or fight or something. Usually this means that the last thing I say is super mean and offensive, and then I feel bad because I can't stand being mean to people. Unless they're being mean to me, that is. 

3.) I'm kinda lazy as fuck, and that doesn't help with the fact that I have a bunch of schoolwork and shit to get done. I'm just gonna put this other one in here because they go together. I also have a really hard time focussing on anything I don't like doing. Honors Biology homework? Hahaha, yeah no. 

4.) I always need someone to motivate me to do like, anything. I'm super indecisive and it's hard for me to like, make my own decisions. If no one is there to motivate me to do something, I probably won't do it because I'll be afraid of doing it wrong and making someone mad. I also need someone to protect me because like, I dunno. *shrugs* I'd never be able to be anything close to the dominant one in a relationship. 

5.) My personality isn't really something I can control. It always changes based on my surroundings and who I spend my time with. Another thing with my personality, is that when I get hung up on someone, I usually don't stop being all hung up on them for a long time because I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings. This causes me to get into relationships I don't want to be in, and also to care about people long after they stopped caring about me. I don't like that at all.

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