Day 20: Favorite Female Character

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So yesterday I had mainly females in my Male Character list, but I just couldn't think of all the amazing Male characters. I'll go fix it later, but here are my favorite femal characters from books, and probably movies an t.v shows and all that jazz. Sorry if I spoil anything for you...

1.) Katniss from the book "The Hunger Games". She took care of herself and her sister after her dad died, which is fantastic, then she took care of herself enough to live through the Hunger Games, like this is one super strong independent chick!! I freaking love her. 

2.) Fire from the book "Fire". She is super cool and fantastic. I love her hair, (the way I imagine it in my head anyways) And I love her outlook on life, except she really needs to have some babies. I get that she doesn't want any more human monsters, but come on you hoe! Make me some babies!! She's also a sick violinist, and I feel super bad about her hands, but she is fantastic.

3.) Tris (Beatrice) from Divergent. I really hope I get to go see the movie with my friend this weekend, because I've been waiting to go see it forever!! If not I plan to go with my parents anyways, but still AAHHH!!! She's so fantastic and cool, and she was the first to jump!! I love her tattoos, and I love her she's amazing. FREAKING AMAZING!

4.) Bella from the book "Twilight". I'm currently rereading it, and yeah, I love her. I mean, she's not my favorite character in the book, not by FAR, but she's pretty fantastic. Escpecially in the later books. Can you say bad ass? Like damn.

5.) Also Alice from the book "Twilight" because come on guys. Is she not the most fantastic person ever?!?

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