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Idk what 2 do so boom random XD aaaand play song when I say

Fallacy's POV

I walk to where I had earlier heard screaming to find (Y/n), Suave, and Jasper sleeping on the floor I picked up Jasper, putting him in his bedroom, then I wake Suave, "Suave, put (Y/n) to bed and you may sleep yourself, you have done well." Suave nods, picking up (Y/n) and putting her within his room and laying her in a separate bed and going into his own and sleeping, I walk to Encre who was painting a I kiss him lightly on the cheek and chuckle seeing him blush, it's so cute.

(Y/n)'s Dream/POV

Running... I can't stop running.. I stop and my surroundings change into me sitting on the edge of a tree and it's raining.. not heavily but enough to get really wet I try jump off the tree but I'm stuck on it I looked so sad and broken I looked to the left of me and saw (y/b/f) and my brother.. and then I looked to the right of me and saw both my parents, but as soon as they had came, they faded away... like dust in the wind..

_-E N D    D R E A M-_

I woke up sweating, crying and seeing blood everywhere, I gasp and look around to see Fallacy on the ground bleeding out, shaking, I jump up and grab him and start to heal him, "F-Fallacy?! what's wrong?! what happened!? oh god!" I finished healing his physical wounds but he was still feeling the pain, "J-Jasper... the hunters... they came and....." I then felt anger bubble deep within me, I lay Fallacy on my bed and look to see Suave's bed empty, I run out the door and look through the halls, what I see makes me sick to my stomach, blood covering every inch of the corridor, some dripping from the ceilings... I fall to the ground shaking, it occurs to me that I didn't take my pills yet, I grab the spear pills in my pocket, I've never used them unless I was in deep trouble, I take one and sure enough, I could stand back up on my feet, still shaking a bit, I look to see that Fallacy was looking, wide-eyed at me and I just shook my head, telling him not to mention it to the others, he simply nods and I go back to looking for the others, I found all the maids lying in a pile, the worst part is that none of them are dead, they are all left to die a slow and agonizing death, so I, being the hero, heal them all, but I only put pillows  under their heads, with no time to spear I head out to fine Suave next, he knows where I would find Jasper, I try find them, I search everywhere, but I found Encre, he told me they were taken, by Eterna, that made my blood boil with very different emotions, which made my hair flame different colours, my hair decides to stay one colour in particular, Pure Black, I run to my small village where I use to live and sure enough, Suave and Jasper were tied together while a fire was lit, the whole village boo-ing them, I ran up to them then hid behind a building looking at Suave and Jasper, a sudden pang of pain hit me in the stomach as they kissed, at that moment I felt like everything I worked towards was being scrunched up, stomped on and then thrown in the bin, as the fire kept on spreading towards them I sucked all of my emotions in and and breathed them out, clearing my mind, all was blank, all I was focused on was the two boys tied up, soon enough, I started to float and next thing I know I'm in front of Eterna, who was laughing at Jasper and Suave, it made me sick, I looked at everyone, they were all looking at me, I saw my Demon butler, Aiden, and I felt hurt beyond belief, I grab him by the neck as he begs for forgiveness, "You should've stayed at the royal mansion, Aiden, you wouldn't be dying as such a young demon... too bad" I said in a demonic voice, his blood splattered all over the crowd as he screamed, everyone ran away, I looked at Suave and Jasper as the flames had gotten closer to them and they are now hugging again I felt that hurt as I fatally wound Eterna, but not enough to kill, but she won't be moving any time soon, I grab Suave and Jasper as the fire started to touch them, burning myself on the side of my arm in the process I fly back to the mansion and crash straight into the window landing on the glass as Suave and Jasper land on me, making the glass shards go deeper in as I yelp in pure agony, Fallacy comes running grabbing Jasper and Suave and wrapping them in a hug, as I limp away hoping not to be noticed, I go back to Jasper's room and go out to the balcony and start to sing.

((Play da song now))

Trembling within the breeze 

I can feel my soul is shaking

Even with a single blow

Everything that is comes undone

Using every ounce of strength

Just keep myself from breaking  

I can only watch you walk by...

Holding onto everything

Even when my body shatters

I will never let you pass 

Even when my tears run dry

Beating with our hearts as one

Everyone I know is praying

I will strike you down 

Do or... Die...

As I finish the song I drop to the floor to bleed out, funny how I can heal everyone but myself, huh? oh well, that's the price.. Before I go unconscious I feel someone grab me, and carry me, then I slip into my own world of death. ((you are not awake for this part + Avoid the eyes young ones XD)) I walk around the house, I look over to see Jasper and Suave making out, I couldn't look away, and it was so painful to watch, I wanted to just drop dead, "Regretting your choice of saving us, (Y/n)?" I hear Suave say, I shake my head, unable to speak, "(Y/n), I love Mr. Suave, not you, silly girl!" I hear Jasper say, this broke my heart, I fall to my knees and the world around me cracks, I start to cry and the world cracks more until I grab hold of Jasper and cling onto him like my life depended on it as I cried onto him screaming, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Then reality warped back to me as I wake up ((yer back)) I gasped deeply as I looked around to see Encre and Fallacy, looking at me like I was a murderer, I looked down to see Suave looking at me worriedly, I feel tears fall as I feel that there was a knife made of ice in my hands... I had used my magic while unconscious and I had used it to try and hurt my friend.. I get up and start running while crying my eyes out, 'THIS IS WHY I LIVED LIFE IN TOTAL SOLITUDE!' I scream at myself, I bump into Jasper as he looked down at me and blushed, but I only remembered when Suave and Jasper kissed, my eyes widen as I fall to the floor and start hyperventilating as thoughts fill my head, all of them leading to suicide, the image of Suave and Jasper kissing, filling my head as the sound of screaming filled my ears, even though I was just remembering a memory, it was my mother, she was screaming for me to help her I reach out my actual hand and scream, "MAMA! PAPA! BWOOOOO!!!!!" I snap back to reality and just cry Jasper hugs me and I cry onto him, I've been hurt to many times in a 13 years ((yes reader, you are 13, because fuck it)) I actually fall into a blank sleep in the arms of ((an angel)) Jasper.


Boom! word count: 1369 I'm so happy it's a long chapter! and one with drama! welp


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