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Y/n's POV

I saw Encre, I looked at him for a second then screamed, I cleaned up all my mess in a few seconds and I hear the door swing open as I turn aroung and hide myself, "uhhh......" Encre managed to get out, I started to cry again, hearing Jaspers voice, "(Y/n)? What happ- ??!!" I shove past him and run around the mansion and stumble outside, running into the forest, tripping on trees, branches, tree roots and scratching and hitting myself all over from the falls and trips until I finally stop, panting annd start to cry, suddenly I was enveloped in Dak Green ((Jealousy)) and I got angry, so much that I took out my knife and carved "you will not take him from me!" into the tree beside me, then I stopped, realising what I did and how selfish that must look, I looked around and tried to find my way back to the mansion since it was getting dark, but as darkness set upon the sky, I was lost, in the woods, alone, at night. I looked around, too dark to navigate where I was, I decided to stay where I was and as that idea was actually working I was getting cold, and fast! The maid outfit wasn't the best thing to wear in the cold because it was just another dress.. I shouldn't have run away!! I'm so stupid.. I curl up in a ball and try get warm.. but it failed so I get up and start walking, since me trying to get warm wasn't doing anything, I walk around for hours on end, until I passed out due to the lack of sleep...

Getting up I felt connected to the outside somehow, I just felt like I was one with nature, I was alive, I wasn't cooped up in any houses, I was a free spirit!! I roam around, not knowing that each step I took killed the plantaion around me, I spin around with my eyes closed then I look at how much plants I've killed and I fall, "and I'm suposse to be magical... all I do is hurt people and kill things, other than my healing powers I'm only good for death.." suddenly I felt like I would shatter from the hurt of realisation... I am a godess of death... the death of everyone I loved and new changed me into a killer... my powers also changed and now I only have my healing as a power of who I use to be....... but now.. I don't have healing powers anymore.. I grew to hate the world, I floated up, a pure white dress the fades to black clouds of smoke that stain the bottom of the dress black also, my hair pure white with ink staining the tips of my hair, I float to the mansion and I walk in to find Suave comforting Jasper as Jasper cries, and Encre being comforted by Fallacy as Encre is sitting there with a horrified look, "I'm.... back..." I said and since most maids are human females they all die at the sound of my voice, I look to them with a dead expression and look back at the cowering skeletons, "sorry....." I feel like I didn't belong there anymore so I went to leave again until Fallacy came up to me and hugged me, followed by Encre, but as soon as Suave touched me the black ink in my hair formed black markings on my face and arms as I looked sad ((You look like this you can pick))

" I feel like I didn't belong there anymore so I went to leave again until Fallacy came up to me and hugged me, followed by Encre, but as soon as Suave touched me the black ink in my hair formed black markings on my face and arms as I looked sad (...

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I started to cry pure white tears and as they hit the ground evenything turned black, I could only see my white tears, "guys? GUYS! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!! all

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I started to cry pure white tears and as they hit the ground evenything turned black, I could only see my white tears, "guys? GUYS! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!! all.... alone... I don't wanna be alone.... SOMEBODY!!! PLEASE!!! ANYBODY!!" I scream into the darkness, crying harder, You call out for help..... [But Nobody Came...] I stand and cry then suddenly a picture of my family and friends flashes infront of me, I run towards it as I trip and fall into nothing, I float and look up to see the picture fading, "NOOOOO!! BWO! MOTHER!! FATHER!! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!! (B/F/N)!!!!!!!!!" I scream louder, I cry innocent tears, like I have never been tainted, like the only emotion I have felt up to now is hapiness, L I K E   N O TH I N G   E V E R   H A P P E N E D, suddenly I hear a voice and screaming, " is mommy going to be ok or is she going to go where daddy is, sissy?" I hear my younger self talk, I start crying more as I see a picture of my sister, after my bwo and father died, my mother was badly injured and on the brink of death in my sisters arms, my sissy looked up at me and smiled, "everything will be ok... (Y/n)" my sister said as she got up leaving our mother by the burning house, taking my hand and running, but she soon started to lag behind, she told me to keep running, and I did, I ran for my life, after that a bright picture showed Jasper and Fallacy, along with Encre is Fallacy's arms, standing in front of my burning down house and I snapped, "It was all your fault.. all..... your.... fault.... i-it.... was you.... who killed....... my sister...... and brother.... Jasper!!!!!!!! WHY!?" suddenly I was back to being with the guys exept I was tied up to a wall and being pinned down bye Suave, Fallacy, Encre, and Jasper, I looked at them as I used my magic to throw them all back off of me and I looked at Fallacy and Jasper with hateful eyes, dispising their very existance, they look at me with the eyes of someone who knows what the problem is, I look at Suave and Encre smiling, they smile nervously back with a small blush and I look at Jasper and Fallacy again and smile, "it's in the past" I say like it's all fine, but I was lying through my teeth and they believed I was happy, I gave them all a little hug, crying a bit and they all hugged me back, I retreated to my room and cried so many tears that it looked like white paint was spilled everywhere...

To be Continued...


2 chaps in 1 night! this is a sorry for no uploads! ^^" All art belongs to there respective owners whoever they may be!

XOXO..Chiao! ..XOXO

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