SIX, I can't spell 'six' without laughing XD

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Y/n's POV

I wake up from my well-needed rest. Empty. I look at my soul, "I knew it..." I sighed, my once (F/c) (or rainbow) soul was now a dim, horribly Empty vessle, this is what happens when I am either emotionally unstable or I used to much magic, this being both cases, it only happens so that I won't feel anything while healing myself, but it renders my magic utterly usless, which I hate, greatly because if I am hurt or emotionally hurt, the healing process with completely restart, making me useless for longer, so I have to keep isolated until it's over,, and how long it takes depends on how bad I was hurt and how much magic I used, so I'll be isolated for a long time... welp fun! "GUYS! I BEG YOU TO NOT COME IN MY ROOM OR TALK TO ME FOR A LONG TIME!" I scream hoping they heard me, they shouted an 'ok' back, I guess they did hear me! This would be hard, I am not allowed to eat, drink, or pee in this period of time until my healing is done, I know I said I can't heal myself, that's because I cannot, if I try it will not work, but I mentally heal my body, it's what every human does, it's a natural process, but for me it's more complicated, for I cannot see anyone ^^, I sit in bed, not really doing anything, waiting to feel things again, for that's when I'm back to normal, Just for extra measure I lock my door and seal it shut tight, by hammering nails into it.

((There will be a lot of time skips))

_-2 weeks timeskip-_

I'm still waiting, and I'm starving... when can I be dooooone...?

_-4 weeks later-_

I get up and barely crawl to the door clawing at it, I got up and bang on it, tears streaming down my cheeks, I did not realise this at the time, but I was showing emotion, crying sad tears, my skinny figure slides down the door as I scream out for someone to get me out of this hell.... but nobody came... until the door was kicked open, revealing Suave with an angry look on his face, I look up at him, whimpering and I cry more, he looks down at me and notices that I haven't eaten or drank anything for 6 weeks, he quickly looks back, "My Lord! It's bad! it's (Y/n)!" as soon as he said that Jasper plopped outta nowhere and I look at him with a blank crying face, I cry more and suddenly I collapse, "O-oh my word!! (Y/N)!!!" I hear Jasper shout, "............ngh...." I say, still crying, I bring up my soul and to my surprise my soul was still in the process of healing, to my horror I watched it drain back to just a dull grey, I look up at the two guys that stared in pure horror, I looked back down, "guys.... I have to stay locked away.. again.." They looked at me, shock written all over their faces, "You musen't! do you see what has already happened?!" Jasper shouted I looked down, not really knowing what to say, "Jasper is right (Y/n)..." I look to Suave then back down and get up, "fine.. you guys win" they cheer and drag me to go and eat, I get to the food and stare in disgust, I didn't feel like eating, I looked at Jasper and Suave, "I'm not hungry.." I say, they look at me sturnely and shake their heads, "you have to eat!" Jasper said, "please (Y/n)!" Suave begged, I sigh in defeat and nod shakily taking a bite of the (f/f) ((favourite food)) they had brought out for me, I still wasn't hungry but I ate it all, and I drank some water, "will that be all? I need to restart my healing process again.." I say looking at them with dull eyes, "W-wait! (Y/n) guess what!" Jasper said happily, I looked up at him as he blushed and looked at Suave, I thought that I wouldn't be able to feel but something raged inside of me, "Me and Mr. Suave are dating!" Jasper said happily smiling, all of my thoughts were lost, my face went blank, I couldn't move, just stare blankly, 'are they really dating?' I thought, I shouldn't care.. I should be happy for them but I am not... Instead I am feeling the horrid emotions of betrayal, sadness, and jealousy rage inside of me.. I get up and run into a different room... Jaspers room, I lock the door and run outside and start to cry, I curl up in a ball and think about everything... 'I should die' I get up and run to a bathroom taking out my pocket knife I carry everywhere and start to paint a vibrant picture of red all over my thais, everyone checks the wrists, and I like dresses, so its to simple to put them there, I look to the door to Jaspers room to see someone standing there horrified, it was...

To be Continued...


I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING ANY CHAPTERS, *ahem* anyways, we have started a new unit in my school and I had to write an essay, and loads of homework, sorry... and this chapter isn't as long as some of the others ^^"

XOXO.. Chiao!! ..XOXO

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