chapter 1: The Letter

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April 2017:

I'd done it. I'd found him. He was the killer. But I was so far away from base with Kai beside weapons, no radio. Just me and him standing terrified in front of a guy holding a massive gun pointing it at my chest. Oh wow... Well at least I had someone with me! Gulp. Just breath.... I could barely breath. The guy, or the wanted killer, twisted his moustache and grinned like he didn't care in the slightest way. I was disgusted. Well, who wouldn't be. He was a lethal, dangerous killer.

"you found me, children," he said, faking a sad voice,"I am scared." I turned to Kai, who looked like a was going to charge forward, screaming, "I AM 13 NOT A CHILD!"like a mad goat. Quickly I grabbed his arm. There was no way I was losing my closest friend to a mental killer. I clenched my fists.

"Yes," I snapped back, "We did." The man glared a dagger like stare at me. I shuddered, feeling all confidence slowly drain away from me. He lifted his gun smiling as if he'd just seen a tiny kitten pad along past him. I felt my muscles tense as the fear clogged up my throat. This was it.

February, 2017:

Lottie sat, curled up on her bed with a book plonked on her lap. She was fully engrossed in her reading, always was, and would act that a raging bull when disturbed. This time the book was, "UNDERCOVER AGENT," by Paula Hill and she found it impossible to put down. Her best friend Jo, sat on the rug, chewing pink strawberry flavoured "Tingles" chewing gum. Lottie turned a page. Jo sat up. "New Record!" she yelled,"8.01 seconds to read a average adult sized page of a book!" Lottie sighed but quickly changed her mind that she wouldn't go crazy and yell at her best friend for disturbing her reading session. She grinned.

"Bet you couldn't do that!" she cried proudly. Jo made a face

"I could! but not with Under-whatever-it-is-agent," said Jo.

"Undercover Agent," corrected Lottie, quickly. She hated speaking errors, spelling errors, any mistakes. She'd deal with them quickly, or swiftly.-that's what she would say.

"Yeah whatever. I'd beat you with Queenie B," said Jo grinning at the mention of her favourite book. Lottie put her head in her hands. Queenie B was meant to be for 10 year old's and was about a kitten that was a secret superhero and saved the world from mutant rats in a space ship. When Jo bribed her into reading it one day, she'd already thrown it into the bin after the first sentence, "once upon a time there was a little cat who lived in a house and often went out a cat flap." It was hard to impress Lottie with a children's book, she read the adult ones.

"You seriously still read that, Jo!" cried Lottie, unable to believe her 13-year-old friend was still obsessed with Queenie B which she started reading at the age of 7. Jo blushed fast.

"Yup," she mouthed. Lottie sighed and tossed her a book from her smallest shelf. She had 10 book shelves in total, the smallest one contained her old children's books that she never read. Jo might as well try a few as Lottie hated giving away books to charities or anything like that. "books are a representation of who you are," she'd say,"and I'm not giving away what made up me."

Jo stared at the book. "Everlasting Eight," she read turning over the book in her hands,"A thriller. Interesting!" Lottie laughed.

"better than Queenie B!" she cried, rolling over on her bed. Jo grinned.

"i guess so," she said and climbed to her feet holding her phone in her hand. "I better be of before I'm missed. Mum'll be furious that I've climbed out of my bedroom window again when I supposed to be doing my homework." Lottie peered at her bag.

"What is it?"

"Maths," Jo sighed,"I suck at maths and you know it." she pulled out the homework worksheet and eyed it sadly.

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