chapter 17: investigations

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The park wasn't really ever busy. It was a tiny place, filled with massive trees that took up most of the space. Not even small children bothered going there. There wasn't any playing equipment, except for the odd little swing that hung from the largest tree, rope flaying, seat hanging half-way off. 

Lottie's spine tingled when she saw it. Did someone die? Did the rope strangle them? She shook herself. Boy, she was getting worked up by the whole murder thing. Annoyed with herself, she turned to Kai, who was staring off into the distance, deep in thought. She smiled imagining someone pouring a ice bucket over his head just then. That would be something to laugh at.

"Heeelloooo," she cried, waving her hand in front of his face"Earth meet Kai!" He jumped, frantically waving his arms in the air. 

"Jeez! Did you have to do that?" he cried. Then he stamped his foot, his face darkening. "I've forgotten what I was thinking about now. That could have been important!" He sighed, noticing Lottie's expression change to a disappointed one. "It doesn't matter," he said forcing a smile, "We'll just work it out together!" Lottie smiled. Then she paused and staggered backwards.

"What?" asked Kai, fear appearing in his eyes when he noticed Lottie's terrified expression. 

"Look..." Lottie pointed with a trembling hand. Kai screamed.

Engraved in the floor were the words. 


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Lottie heart began racing so fast she thought she'd surely choke. It was written in BLOOD. Kai looked like he'd faint. He put his hand on his heart and turned away, breathing faster than before. 

"Kai?" asked Lottie, her eyes widening, "Are you ok?" There was no response. Then Kai stared coughing and groaning. 

"KAI!" Lottie raced over to him. She'd never seen him react like this. Actually, he never reacted like this. She was normally the one who did that.

"I...." Kai coughed and pointed with a quivering hand. "Have...."  Lottie looked at him desperately. Fear rose in her eyes.

"Have what?" she asked.

"A phobia of blood and other disgusting stuff!" Kai cried, shaking. Lottie put her hand on his shoulder. 

"I understand," she said kindly, "I was like that when I was younger." Kai glanced at her, taking a deep breath.

"You were?" he asked.  Lottie nodded, then she laughed. 

"I fainted... a lot. Even in class over the top of a chair!" Kai laughed, imagining the scene.

Little Lottie white in the face, close to screaming and collapsing over the top of a small chair during a 'perfectly normal' lesson. The teacher would have a fit whilst the class mates would stare at her, wide eyed, not moving. He grinned, the fear beginning to leave him. Lottie smiled.

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