chapter 20: never underestimate an agent

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this is my first attempt of writing from someones point of view. Hope you like it!

Lottie's POV:

I didn't know what the hell they were trying to do to me but there was no way I was gonna stand for it any longer. What kind of guy grabs your arm and pulls so hard you think its going to snap straight into two. Honestly, I felt like it was going to suddenly light up and go on fire. I yelled at them at the top of my voice to stop pulling but Elliott simply just squeaked and Timothy snorted and ignored me. 

Are they five or something? Why won't they listen to me? Boy, I had no idea they were quite that crazy over me. It's not like I'm that stunning. Just a blonde haired girl. There are plenty of others in the world. Go crazy over them and leave me alone.

I suddenly let out a scream as Timothy tugs on me so hard that I go spinning over into the corner in seconds and smash my head onto the wall. Uggg. Now I bet I've got a giant purple bruise on my head. I start to feel dizzy as the pain explodes through my head. I sigh, trying not to faint, and breath deeply getting the soothing air into my lungs again. OK, I swore an oath not to use karate on teenagers my age unless in serious situations but....being smashed into a wall I value as serious. 

I flash a throat-cutting  glare on the red faced Timothy ,who shivers and takes several paces back. Hmmm, I think he's realised what he's gonna get for that. I smile as I notice his eyes widen with fright. He looks like a terrified deer who's just met a wolf and now knows he's the prey. I clench my fists, gathering my strength and take long, powerful strides towards him. 

"what do you think you are doing?!" I say, pulling my nastiest smile yet. I watch as tiny Elliott shrinks back behind Timothy, who glares at me and then charges. 

I grin. Mot stupid move ever. 

In a flash, I'd kicked my leg up, mustering all my strength into this one move and planted it right into his round face. I watched as he doubled over, spluttering and then fell, with a loud crash, on the floor.

I almost blurted out laughing. He fell almost like one massive pancake, face first, right on the floor. I swear Elliott started cheering for a split second then. I smiled but he didn't return it.

Whats wrong with them?

~Kai's POV~

When I came into the room and saw Timothy face planting the floor, Lottie grinning like a mad chipmunk and Elliott trembling in the corner of the room, I struggled to hold back laughter. 

Oh what had this crazy girl done now? 

She smiled when she saw me. 

"What did you do?" I asked, pretty much knowing what she was just about to say.

"Hmm," she scratched her head, "Kicked Tim over here right in the face because he started randomly attacking me."

I snorted. Knew it.

Sometimes I wonder why Timothy.... Wait! Why didn't I add Timothy as a suspect? If he's this crazy over Lottie....Why wouldn't he be the random text sender? Maybe the murderer and text sender collaborate or something? One sends the text whilst the other kills.

Now thats an idea.

I hit my head. I am so stupid sometimes.

Lottie frowns at my face.

"Whats wrong with you?" she asks.

"Meh. Just realised how stupid I've been." She walks closer. 

"With what!?" 

I sigh. "Q.S.S," I say. She smiles. 

"Been wanting to for ages!" 

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