chapter 23: Some more investigations

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"What!" cried Lottie again, beginning to get very nervous, "So where are you now!" Her eyes widened and then she sighed. "Oh well, I guess I might be able to put up with that. This is very annoying! Why in the world did-" She paused and glanced at Millie who appeared to be listening to almost everything she had said. Lottie ended the call, "See ya there!" 

Millie frowned. Was Lottie abandoning her again? They'd just started to have fun. She hoped not.

"Who was that, Lot?" Lottie shrugged.


Millie leaned closer. "Whats up? You seemed angry. What's he done now?"

Ugg. That same kind of question. About what had happened to Q.S.S. Lottie was beginning to get very tired of constantly thinking of lies to cover her secret life at the agency. Millie and Sally, as well as Jo, always seemed to try to sniff it all out. Jo had already done that and wouldn't ever speak to her again when she found out Lottie was an agent. Lottie didn't know why she was so cross but she could put up with it. For her whole life she dreamed of being an agent and now it was real....that made her question- why was Jo happy for her? Was she jealous?

Lottie clenched her fists under the table. Her so-called-friend was actually jealous! This was the person she had trusted more than ever...the person who didn't cheer or smile when Lottie had achieved her dream. Lottie couldn't believe it, Jo almost seemed like a traitor. 

"Whats wrong?" 

Lottie jumped. She almost forgot she was sitting at a table with Millie and Sally. 

"urrrmmm...thinking of Jo!" cried Lottie.

"Oh?" said Millie, "Jo. Yeah." Sally pulled her chair closer and forced a weak smile. She hated it when Lottie seemed sad. She needed to do something to help.

"I'll talk to her for you, Lot, don't worry. I'm sure she'll turn around soon." That was Sally. The one person who seemed to always manage to cheer people up with her comforting smile and sweet,kind sounding voice.

Almost like a gentle mother, Lottie thought then she smiled. "Thanks Sally." 


Lottie looked up. That wasn't her phone. She was almost surprised. She watched Millie as she turned on her phone and then sat up in shock.

"Its. From. Jo," said Millie, her lip trembling, "Lottie....look."

Lottie read the message:

Lottie read the message:

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Lottie wanted to scream. Why would JO do that? It was dangerous. She knew Karlos was dangerous yet was doing it anyway. 

For her. For her and her secret case. That had nothing to do with her! Typical Jo, butting into everything...even her incredibly private case only Kai and Melissa knew about. 

Why did she think she could help her anyway? It wasn't like she was qualified as an agent.

Lottie sighed. More stuff to worry about. Would Jo even survive to meet her on Tuesday at Sugar Lump? Just because she wrote "Tu at SGL," didn't mean she'd live.

"LOTTIE!" Millie yelled, tears beginning to fall, "Jo wrote 'UKW' what is it that she is trying to help you with! What is the 'You Know What!?'"

Lottie didn't answer.

"P-Please Lottie," Sally said, "T-Tell us! Jo's in d-danger!"

Despite how weak and scared Sally sounded, Lottie couldn't tell. If she did Jo would be in even more trouble than she already was. Sally would get the police. Lottie would most definitely get interviewed and her mum pulled into the matter. That would be living hell. Maybe even Kai would get pulled into it. He was working on the case as well.

"Got to go," said Lottie, trembling as she climbed to her feet, "Kai wants me." 

Lottie climbed on her bike and rode. Just rode. Harder and faster than ever, stinging hot tears filling her eyes . She still cared for Jo. She didn't know why but she did. Jo had done a lot to hurt her but Lottie forgave her. They'd known each other since they were just 3 and even then Jo had backed her up in any little petty argument they'd had with others.

"We are like sisters," Lottie mumbled to herself as she battled the coming tears, "We fight... a lot ....but just come together again." 

Her head was burning when Lottie arrived at the new base. Kai was waiting for her and cried out when he saw her face. 

"Lottie!" he yelled,"What's wrong!" Lottie sniffed and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. 

"Long story," she mumbled and then began crying again. 

Kai took her inside and sat down next to her. He didn't like seeing friends cry, it made him want to as well. 

"Lottie," he said weakly, "Tell me...what's wrong?" 

Lottie looked at him sadly. She didn't know what to say. "It's Jo." she muttered, "Jo."

She grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. "I'll write it down. We have a new suspect."

Kai frowned. "Why is that bad?" he asked, confused.  Lottie didn't reply. She just wrote.

"here," Lottie replied after 2 minutes, "Look

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"here," Lottie replied after 2 minutes, "Look."  Kai peered down at the paper and then gasped. He turned to Lottie, who looked ready to cry again. 

"I'm so sorry," he said sadly, "Jo will be alright though! Trust me!" Lottie sniffed.

"How can you be so sure?" she cried, "The killer could be in that group or is Karlos!" 

Kai's face fell. He had no answer. 

"At least we can update our suspects list," he said, grabbing the list, "And find the killer before he harms Jo." 

"55 and 56!" Kai and Lottie turned to see Melissa towering over them. 

"Paper for you both!" 

Melissa threw a newspaper at them. 

Lottie gasped.

Kai's eyes widened.

"LOST GIRLS." Was the title.

"Josephine Hill  and Daphne Smith have been missing for 2 days. The police are now beginnning the hunt for the lost girl. Karlos Mawn, Elliott Smith and Zeb Toll and Peter Williams  have also gone missing. It is believed  the girls has run away with them.

Lottie and stared at Kai. 

"Daphne Smith," said Lottie, breathless. 

"I know what you're thinking," said Kai, "The 'new' girlfriend of the a Smith..part of them to get the inheritance."

"Exactly," said Lottie, "One of those people is the killer...after Daphne." 

Kai wrote the down the names.

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