chapter 30: Now we do see you...

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The killer's eyes widened at the site of a swarm of police men and Q.S.S agents charging at top speed after him. He felt like a lonely deer who'd wandered upon a pack of raging wolves. He didn't like that one tiny bit. 

He wasn't going to be caught.

He couldn't be.

His mouth opened and then closed... they'd got closer. 

He watched in complete shock as one agent cries out and points a finger at him. 


Caught. He was seconds away from being caught.

He screamed, turned and darted out of the shop in seconds and began haring down the road, panting like a distressed dog. 

He'd come so far...was so so so close to earning Daphne's trust. They'd get married, she'd die and he'd get the money. He'd be rich! 

Then maybe he could fulfil his childhood have all the money in the world, to move to France or America and live in complete and utter luxury way from the horrors of work and constantly having to work his socks of. 

Not jail. No jail. 

He had to escape.

He was too close...he couldn't let this go wrong now!

Stupid pretty Lottie, he said with a groan, why do you have to be so smart? And that Kai, he's almost as bad.

A bullet jutted just past his head. He turned in shock and saw Kai behind him....

Just him.

He laughed.

"You think you can stop me!" the killer yelled, a malicious smile spreading across his lips.

Kai whimpered. He'd never used a gun before. He didn't want to.

Kai felt his palms sweating. He clutched the gun harder and forced the courage out of him to mumbled the word, "YES!" 

"Oh do you now?" the killer replied, it came out as a laugh and a snicker.

The killer wasn't impressed. 

Why was this shrimp confronting him like this? It was just plain stupid.

"So you are ready to DIE!" the killer shouted, raising the gun like a knight with his sword. He slid a finger gently down the silver blade of his knife he had inside his pocket and raised a bushy black eyebrow.

"Choose the method in which you wish to die," he demanded.

Kai trembled. Then puffed his chest out. He wasn't going to die.

He couldn't. Quickly, he replayed the image of his parents and then Lottie. 

He couldn't die. Never.

"I won't die," he answered promptly, "I won't."

A spine-tingling laugh exploded from the killers lips. He lurched forward rubbing his knees and cackling cruelly.

Kai shuddered and stepped backwards. His mind began to question the point in him coming here. 

The agents split up, he reminded himself, and I went here.

Now, he wished he hadn't.


Jo sat alone, taking in the darkness and her frightening surroundings. There was a icy chill in the air...everything felt out of place, like a completed puzzle had just been taken apart.

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