chapter 19: a very suspicious act

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Lottie slouched in her seat, yawning through the slow-paced geography lesson. The plump Mrs Philips seemed to have read a whole book on how to put peoples brains to sleep. Her deep, flat monotone voice caused many eyes to gradually flicker and close. Lottie thought she heard someone snoring loudly behind her. Well, she couldn't really tell what that noise was, it was either snoring or snorting continuously like a some sort of mad pig. She turned and peered over her shoulder to see Timothy Snuppett asleep, almost kissing the desk. She sighed to herself and quickly pulled out her fidget spinner, noticing Philips had her back to the class. With a grin plastered on her face, Lottie leaned over to 'Muppet' (Timothy) and span the fidget spinner as hard as possible. Lottie moved it right up to his ear, so it buzzed loudly, almost like a swarm of bees. Winking quickly at Kai, who was watching, a excited smile spread across his face, Lottie leaned even closer so that the edges of the spinner were scraping hard against Muppet's skin. 

"3, 2, 1," mouthed Lottie, looking at Kai, who had his hands half way up to his mouth. He knew what was coming next and had his hands ready to stop him laughing too loudly. 

Muppet's eyes flashed open. He didn't notice Lottie holding the fidget spinner. He didn't think twice either. He screamed like he'd was about to be murdered. "HELP MEEEEEEEE!" tears welled up in his eyes fast, "I AM BEING ATTACKED BY MUTANT BEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!" 

Lottie shoved the spinner deep into his pocket before Philips saw her. Timothy banged is hands onto the desk beginning the classic, well known 'Muppet Fit.' Kai had a grin spread right over his face. He raised a hand to his mouth.

"MU." Bang. "TAAAAA." crash. "NNNNNNT!" Yet another bang of the fist on the table. "AAAAAAAaAAAAH!" Bang. "THEEEEEEEY HAAAAAAAUUUUUNNT MEEEEEEE!!!!!" Lottie chocked with laughter. Her fidget spinner haunted him. But he thought it was mutant bees. It really was quite entertaining. 

"Timothy! Please do be quiet! My lesson must continue." said Mrs Philips in her strange unknown accent. No one had a clue where she came from. Lottie didn't think she Mrs Philips  knew herself. When the class asked where she was born, Mrs Philips had just shrugged and said, "some old town." It wasn't really a proper answer.

"BEEEEEESSSSS!" shrieked Timothy. He sounded like a squeaky hinge on a door. It was so high-pitched that it was almost unreal. He went flying off his chair and hit the floor with a crash. The class went into hysterics. Kai stood on his chair doing the most ridiculous dance. Lottie laughed when she realised he was mimicking Mrs Felsing when she had tried to teach the school dance club. The routine she had choreographed was mainly jumping about like bunnies with a odd twist and a weird move which was like mixing a cake mix. Lottie wanted to join him but she couldn't be bothered to get out of her chair. 

"SILENCE!" that was Mrs Philips feeble attempt to shut the class up, "SILENCE WE MUST BEGIN THE NEXT GEOGRAPHY TASK!" Obviously no one but Sophia-Willow-Clark wanted to begin geography.  

"SILENCE!" yelled Mrs Philips. She sounded like a donkey that time, as she had raised her voice and it seemed to go a lot more squeaky. Where in the world had she got that odd accent?

"LOOOOOTTTTTTIEEEE!" Timothy had stopped screaming "BEEEEESSSSS!" and had begun screaming "Lottie". Lottie put her head in her hands. Not this again, thought Lottie, Oh why?! Why does he have to be so obessed with me!

"Lottttieeee!" wailed Timothy, again, "COME TO MEEEE!" Kai laughed at Lottie's irritated face. It was really funny when Elliott and Timothy attempt to get her to sit by them. It often ended up with Lottie slapping them so hard in the face that it left a red hot mark.

"Oh someone save me," muttered Lottie to herself. The whole class had turned to stare at her, interested in what was coming next. Even Philips appeared to have stopped screaming for "SILENCE!"  

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