chapter 26: ' lèvres roses'

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He was an fingers distance away. Jo could feel his cold breath hitting her cheek.

This was it. 

She could make out the sharp tip of a was getting closer to her chest. 

this was it.

she probably wouldn't even be able to utter the word, 'goodbye,' in time. 


Lottie was now in a very good mood. And was in an even better one when she tasted her extremely chocolatey cappuccino...she was actually getting close to putting the stress of this morning out of her mind.  

She licked her lips and smiled in delight as the warm drink rushed down her throat.

"Wow," said Kai, grinning, "Did my 'make Lottie laugh for once treatment'actually work?" said Kai, pulling out his laptop.

Lottie scratched her head. "I guess it did," she said, then she laughed,"I just wished I'd filmed you. It would be amazing to send to 'LOOK OUT! YOU'VE BEEN FILMED!' I'd get 300 pounds you know." 

Kai smiled. "You missed your chance. I'm not being mistaken for  a girl named Melissa again."

Lottie pretended to be deeply hurt. "Not even for me?"

"Nope." Kai shook his head.

"oh w-w-..." Lottie widened her eyes like a depressed toddler.

"Cut the face Lot."

"Did you...." 


Lottie sighed. That face always worked on Jo. 


The name sounded like a lost memory. She hoped with all her heart Jo was ok. She'd run of with Karlos in hope to find out more information on the case she hardly knew anything about. But she did it anyway...for Lottie. Lottie knew it was stupid but had no time to tell Jo. She'd already run of to who- knows -where.

"You ok, Lot?" asked Kai, notcing her staring nervously of in the distance.

"Yeah, just thinking of Jo."


Kai didn't know much about Jo. He only  knew Jo was Lottie's closest ever friend he was surprised that she wasn't very clever at all. She was funny, though, and her strange humour made up for a stupidity. She was also loyal and Kai hadn't seen Jo anywhere else but with Lottie and Lottie's friends, except for the time the two got in a fight.

"I'm sure she will be alright," Kai said. But deep down...he didn't think so.


Millie was sat next to Sally in silence. Something just didn't feel right. It was like there was a Jo-shaped-hole that just couldn't be filled with anything. Normally all 3 of them would be laughing like mad as Jo was pulling of some crazy stunt or was mimicking Lottie's smart-remark about something. 

But there was no laughter. And no Jo.

Instead a nasty silence hung over the pair.

"You thinking of Jo?" asked Smarty-Pants-Sally.


"And Lottie?" 

"Not as much."

Sally shuffled closer. "Why?"

A drop of ice-cream fell onto Millie's lap. She didn't cry out in disgust though. She just sighed.

"She's with her darling Kai," snapped Millie, "Her amazing KAI!" 

Millie clenched her fists but stopped when a warm hand ran down her shoulder. Sally knew just her to stop her rage.

"We don't know why," said Sally softly, "But maybe we don't need to. Somethings put those too together and maybe it's a good thing. I'm sure Kai's friends are feeling the same way as we are but they are ignoring it so maybe we should. It will be best for them."

Millie sighed. Sally was right, it would be best to just ignore it until Lottie explains herself.

"You always seem to know how to think the right way about things, Sal," said Millie. Sally laughed. It was a light pretty laugh that made Millie laugh inside too. Millie was surprised Sally hadn't got a boyfriend yet. She was pretty and dainty, with very good manners. Why was no one attracted to her? 

Probably because she isn't interested, Millie thought, or because she's too kind sometimes. The boy's in this school seem to like the loud chatty girls like...

Millie stopped herself from thinking of that name but Sally said it anyway.

"Let's hope Jo's ok."


"Dave Lane." Kai's fingers darted across the key board.

Lottie clutched a tiny pencil in her hand with some note paper. Today, she and Kai were making notes on a suspect- Dave Lane. 

It's was very strange that he was still alive. You would think that he would be dead alongside the rest of the Lane family.

Lottie swallowed. 

They needed to find the killer before too many people were dead. A whole family was close to being completely wiped out. 

"David Lane, Daniel Lane- what that isn't even similar to the name DAVE?"

Lottie laughed. Kai sometimes was rather entertaining. 

"AHA!" Kai punched the air, "DAVE Lane! Lottie why did you just put our pencil down? Get writing!"

Someone's excited, thought Lottie, picking up the pencil.

As read out the notes, Lottie gasped. It had just hit her. The reason why Dave Lane wasn't dead.

Kai suddenly paused and stared at her. He knew too.

Lottie nodded at him and quickly jotted it down.

Lottie nodded at him and quickly jotted it down

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"It can't be him," Kai said slowly, "So we only have 3 suspects remaining."

Lottie nodded. This was getting close.

"Zeb, Karlos and Peter,"Lottie listed. 

One of them was the boyfriend marrying Daphne Smith so that he could then grasp the inheritance through marriage. 

But which one?

The question was buzzing through Lottie's mind but she couldn't reach the answer.

"We can't talk to Elliot," said Kai, "Or Jo as they are away and if we contact any of them the killer will be suspicious...." Kai paused. "we are literally at a dead end."

Lottie's fist came crashing down on the table. "so stupidly close," she snapped, "and yet we are so far away at the exact same time."

Kai sighed. "I know."

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