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Her eyes flickered, then stung as suddenly light hit them.

All of a sudden a wild screams and shouts filled the musty hospital air.

"Kai?" said a weak voice, "Jo?"

She forced herself to sit up, despite the bursts of pain burning down her back.


Kai and Jo, well as other agents, ran towards her, arms open wide, cheering. 

Lottie was overwhelmed with excitement she could barely contain.

"What happened? Did you catch him? Who w-ww..."

"Rest." Kai pulled the sheets over Lottie and passed her a drink.

Lottie smiled. "Thanks."

She still looked pale, ghostly pale, but at least her smile had returned. Kai couldn't believe she was alive. He jumped up suddenly.

"It was Zeb Toll!" he cried," And thanks to Jo, we caught him! She threw a brick at his head and she called Q.S.S when I was being fired at by the killer! I managed to dodge the bullets though. JO called the ambulance as well. JO honestly you were a hero!"

Jo blushed. "I tried to help," Jo said, "Lottie I couldn't let you die." 

Lottie smiled. "I'd do the same for you."  She placed her hand on Jo's and then Melissa came trotting towards them.

"55 and 56," she said, "Excellent work on the case, you are to be put forward on the Elite Agent course. 55, don't worry...we will wait for your full recovery."

"Thank you," said Lottie, "I will do my best."

For once, Melissa smiled properly...not a fake one that looked slightly frightening.

Things seemed to be returning to normal.

After 8 weeks, Lottie was at home, do her usual thing...read. And read more.

She went round Kai's and sometimes Jo would join them both. The 3 of them were coming close friends.

"Everything's got better," said Lottie, licking an ice-lolly.

Jo laughed. "yep, but wait and see...When this holiday's over...Boy we will have some drama."

"How'd you know," said Kai.

"I know the unpredictable gonna arrive."

"Now you are just being weird," said Lottie, laughing. She pointed at JO. "what's with the face. You look like a creep from a movie."

Kai snorted and a chunk of his ice-lolly fell into his top.

They fell out laughing.


hope you liked this book! 

If you did...what did you like about it?

And what did you not like?

plz tell me! I want to make this better!

Oh and thank you for reading, you as readers have helped me in so  many different ways that you can't even think of!!

Thank you for the votes and comments! They mean so much to me!

The new adventures of Lottie and Kai may come out soon once this book has been edited!

Thank you all!

~Erin xxx

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