chapter 13: New suspects

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Kai waited patiently for Lottie. Had she remembered the meeting? Then he froze. Had she been caught by that man? He sat up in his seat, fear following through his mind, sweating. A lock of blonde hair flashed past him. Lottie.....  A sigh of relief washed through him.

"Kai?" said Lottie, "What did you want to talk about?" Kai pulled out a notebook and paper.

"New suspects." Lottie groaned. Now they had more work to do. But she wasn't surprised. It was difficult to narrow things down to just 1 person. People could be very similar so more could be added.

"So how did you find more suspects?" asked Lottie, curious.

"Olly Smith, Elliott Smith and Tobias Smith all know a lot about you," said Kai, a hint of fear in his words. They all have Smith as their surname. And Olly Smith...." Kai paused. Lottie thought she saw  his eyes begin to water. "Could easily be Orlando Smith."

Lottie trembled. Orlando Smith was a prime suspect. One of the remaining 4. She felt the nerves freeze her brain. She felt dead already. 

"W-what do we do now?" asked Lottie. Her voice was shaking. She couldn't stop shivering. 

"I will gather information on them all," said Kai, "I will find out who knows the most. The person who knows the most will be the killer." Despite how calmly Kai spoke of his idea, he couldn't hide how terrified he was. He rubbed his eyes. They were beginning to sting.

"Lottie, you just stay safe. Make sure no ones following you," he said. Lottie looked at him sadly.

"You do that as well," she said with a smile, "Without you, we wouldn't have got this far!" 

Kai grinned. He knew that already. His quick-thinking brain had given them a list of suspects. And some prime ones. 

"wait!" cried Lottie, after a few minutes. Kai turned to her.

"Elliott can't possibly be a killer-" she paused. "He's too stupid!" Kai laughed. 

"I know but we can't remove him of the list just because of how horribly unlikely it is. You never know, he could have been trained in the 'art of murder.'" Lottie snorted, picturing the stupid Elliott holding a knife. No way, he'd flinch if he saw one in his mum's  bedroom next to a plate of finished toast.

"Ok," said Lottie, nodding. He was right but the chances of Elliott being a incredibly smart killer were very very low. He couldn't even answer 2 X 5 correctly half the time.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Lottie. Kai nodded slowly, lying. He really wasn't sure. Actually he thought this was a very bad idea. But in order to keep up the good progress, he had to do something and that unfortunately ended up as this.

There was a loud, frustrated screech that knocked him straight out of his thoughts and back into reality. He sighed. He knew exactly what stood around him, demanding him to turn and stare into her face. He scratched his head, annoyed at who he had to deal with again. Honestly, he thought that Lottie's plan could work.

"Hello again," he said sweetly, "Nice to see you again!" Lottie laughed at the high amounts of sarcasm in his voice. 

The girl gave an irritated squeak and clenched her fists. "THERE WAS NO FLORA AND GRACE YOU BEAST!" she screamed. She looked like a type of wild boar, her usual sweet features had been stretched out at odd angles.
She's obviously trying to scare us, thought Lottie. But it isn't working very well!
Kai found the whole situation incredibly entertaining...

"Congratulations!"cried Kai, "You worked out that difficult question! Give yourself a pat on the back!" Lottie snorted.

"I AM NOT SIX!" snapped the girl. She gave Kai an icy glare. Kai pulled a sickly sweet smile.

"Well done! I am very proud of you! Another question answered!" Lottie wanted to fall out of her chair and roll over the floor with laughter. Sometimes, Kai knew exactly how to make her laugh.

Ok, the girl looked like she was at bursting point. Her face looked as red as a tomato. 


Wow, this girl was loud.

"But hun," said Kai sarcastically, "Your life is a joke. Why not make more?"

Lottie gasped. This boy was a real savage. That burn was killer. Poor girl.

The cat fight followed.  The girl screamed at Kai, who replied with horrible remarks mostly about her silly her life was.

Lottie seriously wished she had popcorn. There should be a movie on Kai and ginger-girls arguments. Would be better then EastEnders. Seriously, this is hilarious. 

The argument got so loud, Lottie could have sworn over agents were joining the argument and screaming at the top of their voices just for the fun of it. She thought of joining in but when she noticed the 'shhhhhher' leaving the room, she thought the better of it. He was bound to snitch. And she didn't think joining in would be a good idea. 

"Kai!" cried Lottie. Kai didn't answer. He was having too much fun. Lottie wasn't surprised.

"KAI!!" she yelled again. Kai turned to her.

"'Shhhher's snitching," mouthed Lottie, pointing at the door. Kai nodded and slowly removed himself from the scene. 

"Boy was that fun!"he cried, sitting down, pink in face. Lottie laughed.

"I'm not surprised! I badly wanted pun-"

The door swung open with a creak.


It was the Queen. Lottie's mouth hung open. 

 The Queen looked around. When she noticed the ginger girl, she sighed. 

"59," she said looking seriously bored all of a sudden, "Out here."

When the door shut, half the room fell out laughing, except the 'sssher' who quickly slipped by and sat back down into his seat, smiling.

"Ginger's dead," Kai said, "Honestly the Queen's gonna destroy her." Lottie grinned.

"Yup." Said Lottie, " gingers out of the business."

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