Unusual Therapy

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Christmas was just around the corner, and Jane was thrilled as ever, but also concerned. It was the first Christmas in a totally different environment, the first without Rafael and Catalina, seeing as they would go spend it with their parents in Costa Rica. 

They'd insisted for her to go with, but she hadn't wanted to impose, she'd thought Christmas solo just with her baby boy would be nice. Besides, Riley's birthday was only two days before Christmas, and he was thrilled at the idea of celebrating it with his friends at the daycare.

He'd fitted in surprisingly well after merely two months, and also his mom felt at ease for the majority of the time. Amongst regular and extra courses in college during the day, the job as waitress at Rafael's hotel at night, and taking care of her child, Jane didn't have much time to dedicate to thinking about why did Boston lured her so strongly, therefore neither about recollecting memories, yet she didn't give up.

It was tiring, but not as bad as it might have been in other circumstances, she acknowledged that. 

Maybe her new therapist – the one she'd started seeing in Boston purposely – was right, it wasn't a race, she wasn't fighting against time, everything would come back if just she relaxed and let it. She didn't need to put herself under pressure, the most efficient way of healing from amnesia, according to her therapist, was following the flow of things.

She ought to trust her instincts, whatever they told her, it was most certainly one step farther into regaining her true identity. It didn't matter what it was, be it an abrupt smile upon seeing a cereal brand, or recognizing lyrics, or the face of strangers passing by. 

It ought to be natural, to come naturally, she would know when it did. For now, the best practice was to keep recording her dreams, and exercising her long term memory by learning new things – in this case college came in handy.

"You might not recognize them now, Jane, but progresses are right there. I can see them in your drawings, you're on the right path, and soon enough, when it's time, you will see what awaits you at the end of the road." Dr. Campbell encouraged with a gentle smile, putting down his pen.

Jane smiled back at him, for how warily. "Thank you." The barely attempted movement of his head was to say thanks weren't necessary, but Jane was convinced they were. Dr. Campbell was truly great, within two months he had helped her way more than the one in Canada had in two years, and Jane was immensely grateful for it.

He glanced at his watch, and made a half sorry face, standing. "So, regrettably our time is up ... I'll see you on Tuesday, okay?"

She nodded, and, grabbed her purse, she stood, actually eager to go back home, where she'd left her baby boy to the cures of her new friend, Darlene, waitress at the hotel, like her.

"So, how's little Riley?" Dr. Campbell asked as he watched his patient put on her coat, a tender smile etched on his soft lips, hands stuffed in his pockets. It wasn't truly professional, but he couldn't deny he had a tiny soft spot for this particular patient of his. 

After all she had been through, she was still smiling, she fought, never backed down ... he admired her for it. Within nearly 10 years on the job, he had seen many different cases, but none had struck him as much as Jane Solano.

Jane who smiled wider at the mention of her baby boy. "He's doing fine, has adjusted to Boston easily. He's actually having his birthday next week, did I tell you?"

Dr. Campbell smiled, nodding. "Yes, you told me."

Fixing her hair out of her coat, Jane blurted out: "I would love to have you at the party."

Her Brother's Best Friend - Aching Hearts Series #2Where stories live. Discover now