Chapter 3

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I woke up and slid out of Mateos hold, I always wake up at this time to say bye to my mom before she goes to work because she doesn't get back until 9:43pm because she's a special effects artist for see all those nasty ass cuts and bruises you see in movies, my mom makes them

"Hey mom" I say as I walk into the kitchen

"Hey ba-" she stops mid sentence as she glares at my neck "what is that Paris?" She asks, I totally forgot Mateo gave me a hickey last night.

I look in the mirror, my neck was bruised more "it's probably just a infected mosquito bite" I lie and she puts her bags down

"Mom your gonna be late" I say trying to distract her

"I don't care, tell me right now if you and Mateo are doing things because I need to know" she asks crossing her arms

"No you don't need to know and no we're not doing nothing" I say with attitude

Me and my mom both got an attitude so when we argue it's not pretty and sometimes it turns into an actual fight

"Well clearly you are, you've got a fucking hickey on your neck" she says pulling my shirt down at the neck to see it clearly

"Even if we was doing something why does it matter to you?" I ask pushing her hand away from me

"Because I'm your mother and I don't want you to be like how I was with your legs open at a young age"

"You fell pregnant with me at 14 years old and I'm almost 17 so even if I was to do something you couldn't be mad"

"Listen Paris, I need to go to work so can you just tell you think there's a potential that you could loose your virginity to him?" She asks and I sigh, I never really wanted to have this conversation with my mom because it's awkward

"Yes, " I mumble

"So that is a hickey and y'all have been messing around?" She asks

"Yep" I mumble again

"Okay well Ima have to get y'all some stuff from the store after work, I have enough stress on my plate and I don't want you coming to me telling me your pregnant"

"You're overreacting, I'm not ready and Mateo knows " I exclaim

"Ima slap you if you carry on" she says raising her hand at me and I laugh hard

"You know what...go to the store and get your own damn condoms"

"I don't need them anyway" I smile and she looks at me sternly and walks to the door

She leaves and I go upstairs, I hear water running in the bathroom, Mateo is in the shower

I go in my room, choose my outfit then go in my bathroom

Me and Mateo both walk into my room at the same time "I like the smell of your moms laundry detergent" he said as he sniffs his sleeve I laugh

I just had on some adidas sweatpants and a long sleeve white shirt

"What was you and your mom arguing about?" He asks and I sit on my bed, he sits down too

"She saw the hickey, then asked if we was messing with each other, then we had a disagreement about her knowing if I loose my virginity or not. Then she asked do I think I might loose it to you and I said yeah"

"You really feel like that?" He asks as I watch his eyes turn purple

"Yeah I do, I think yesterday if I was ready it would of happened remember when you wanted to 'hug' me"

"Aye, that was your fault, you kissed me first" he smiles hard

"Yeah only to calm you down" I say playing in my curls

"So do you recon you would've kissed me at some point yesterday even if I was already calm?, we kissed when you came into the room remember" he said

"Nigga, you kissed me first both times"

"Nigga you liked it both times so shut ya face" he laughs

"I'm gonna punch you in yo damn head" I say looking at him

"Do it then" he says

I try to punch him but he stops me by grabbing my wrist, I pull his hair with my other hand then he pins my wrists to the bed

I try to get out of his hold but he's to strong

"I'm about to kick you in your dick if you don't let go" I say and he looks at where my feet are and he slowly lets go

He turns around and I jump on his back "headass" he says as he laughs then he wraps my legs around his waist

She puts me in a headlock and I throw her on the bed "motherfucker" she mumbles as she wraps her hand around my chain.

"Break my chain and Ima break yo ass" I say sternly, she laughs but ain't nun funny, she pulls my chain towards her causing it to break then she runs

I run after her she sits on the couch and I sit in between her legs I grabs her wrist and snap the bracelet she's wearing so all the beads fall on the floor she gasps and then kicks me in my back

I turn around fast and she laughs "listen here you airhead I'll fucking knee you in yo damn cooch" I say because I'm kneeling in between her legs

"I'll twist yo dick" she argues back

"I'll twist yo damn nipple"

"I'll trap yo dick in the door" that one made me think because what If she actually does it

"Ill chip clip yo coochie lips together don't play with me Paris" she looks at me with no comeback

"Paris do you lay your edges?" I ask and she nods "yeah but I have no gel" she says "why use gel when you can use my tongue" I say then I grab her face and run my tongue across her hairline, I then run back to her room "EWWWW" she yells

She pushed me onto her bed then straddles me "you nasty ass boy she says as she wipes her head with my shirt" I flip us over so she's on the bottom and I'm on top

"I see this really nice highlighter that will look good on you" I say and she looks at me "what's it called?" She asks
"It's called Mateos spit" I say then I lick her face "MATEO" she screams then dries her face.

"Aww you look cute when you stick your tongue out" I say and she does it again I lick her tongue then try and run but she pulls me back and places her lips on mine....


Comment what y'all thought about this chapter and btw commenting "update" doesn't make me update any quicker, Actual comments motivate me to write

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