Chapter 31

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Be prepared for some spicy shit 🌶🌶🌶


I felt myself starting to get mad at this bitch Layla so I left the room and sat I in The hallway because everyone is in my room 

Ayo walks out the room and sees me sitting I. The hallway


I notice that Danielle is crying in the hallway, I crouch down beside her "what's wrong dani?" I ask and she wipes her tears...and I notice her eyes are blue, like how Mateo's go when he's sad

"A-are your eyes naturally blue?" I ask

"No" she sniffles

Here eyes then change to she like Mateo?

"It's nothing, just that Layla girl" she shrugs

I can already tell this Layla girl is gonna be a problem

"What she do?" I ask

" I wanna talk to Mateo about it" she sniffs so I get up and go get him

"Bro, Danielle is upset and wants to talk to you" I say as I watch him smile widely at his better not be nothing from Layla 👀

"Alright where she at?" He asks and I point out into the hall way as I walk into the room flopping down onto my bed


I lightly sigh as Mateo sits opposite me

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I like Kida but he likes Layla and she's pissing me off"

"Kida don't like Layla, Kida likes you, Layla likes me but I don't like Layla back, I was just missing Paris that's why me and Layla had this little 10 minute moment no feelings attached"

"I wanna kill her" I say lowly and he grins slightly

He changes the subject "your parents coming to watch you dance this weekend?"

"My parents are dead" I shrug and his face drops "I'm so sorry dani" he hugs me "it's all good, I hate them anyway because they left me"

"So who do you live with?" He asks

"Believe it or not...a spirit but I don't like talking about it"

Then he just pulls my sleeve up and looks at my arm, I pull away from him then pull my sleeve back down hiding the multiple cuts that lay on my arm

He then pulls up his sleeve and shows me his scars and cuts and then we remain silent

"Don't tell Kida!" I panic and he looks up at me "I won't I promise"


Her eyes turned purple (happy) and so did mine

"Watch this" I say as I look at a picture frame above her head, I use my eyes to get it down and it lands in my hands

"This what I'm gonna do to Layla" Danielle smiles then using her eyes she cracks the glass frame and I laugh

"We can get up to a lot of fun stuff" she says grinning evilly making me laugh


I start looking at the dance schedule for the weekend

Saturday : Kida, Zay, Meechie, toosie and Tayla

Sunday : Ayleo Bowles, Mateo Bowles, Layla Smith and Danielle Bowles

Why do they gotta put my full name, why can't they put Ogleloo or something then I look back at the names and see Danielle Bowles........Danielle bowles???? Is she our sister or something

I then feel arms snake around my waist and onto my dick......"get off me" I say as I tense up

"Whyyyy?" An annoying voice whines "because I have a girlfriend....get the fuck off" I say and she let's go it's Tayla

"You might want to look at your messages" she giggles before handing me my phone

I go straight to Ashanti's name and I see a paragraph that I didnt write

Hello bitch,
I would just like to let you know that me and you are are shit in bed and I couldn't give a fuck about our child , I hate you and when I get back off tour I want to see you gone out of my house.

My anger rises quickly and I don't hit girls but I pushed her to the ground and walk away

I called Ashanti multiple times but I got no answer


I ignore his call as I pack mine and Aj's clothing...we're leaving and going to my moms  and Ayleo is never seeing AJ again I don't care.

A few tears fall down my face then AJ starts to cry, I pick him up and rock him in my arms "it's okay baby"


Me and Danielle silently laugh as we tear up all Layla's clothes with our eyes

We hear her coming into the room so Danielle grabs my hand and touches the wall

"Are we invisible or something?.......because she just looked at me and walked straight past me" I whisper and she nods.....WHY THE FUCK CAN I NOT DO THIS ANYMORE

"WHO THE FUCK CUT UP MY CLOTHES" she yells and I silently laugh along with Danielle as we sneak out the room

Ooooo Danielle and Mateo are both psycho

If kida finds out that Danielle is psycho how will he react and will he continue to like her?

And what about Ayleo and Ashanti tho👀🤔??

And yeah Ima change my username to xclusiveMateo because ain't nobody like Princeton anymore🤧well I least I don't

shesdifficult 👇👇👇👇 is that cover okay fam💕

shesdifficult 👇👇👇👇 is that cover okay fam💕

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