Chapter 12

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A few days later

"Mateo I swear if you lick me I will hit you" Paris says and I laugh

"It's funny though" I laugh holding her down on the bed

"No it's not it's nasty" she whines then we hear the door knock


"That was the door wasn't it?" I say and Paris nods

I peck her lips and then walk out the room


Minutes after Mateo goes to open the door I hear yelling

Me and my mom walk out of our rooms at the same time and go down stairs

Mateo is fighting with two guys that are dressed like doctors

They both push him to the floor and put his arms behinds his back restricting him

My mom holds me back but I try to fight her off "mom they are going to take him and I'll never see him again!" I say as tears stream down my face

"Just so you are aware of where he's going, he's going to St. Charles Mental Asylum, he's psycho and is a threat to everyone" one of the doctors say

"He's not psycho!" I yell

"Paris" Mateo says looking at me and I look at him then the writing appears

Don't worry I have got this covered, meet me outside the hospital at 8:30pm, I'm gonna escape and if I have to kill anyone then I will...I love you babygirl

I lightly nod my head yes so nobody realises and then they pull him out the house

I go to my room and my mom follows "Paris he's psycho they have to take him" she says, she just doesn't understand does she

" mom... he's psycho but I love him" I say sitting on my bed and she leans on my dresser

She slowly looks to the left and picks up the morning after pills 🤦🏽‍♀️

"And why do you have these Paris?" She asks looking at the packaging

"Just incase" I sigh and she looks at me as she slowly opens the box "You didn't use protection?" She asks as she looks at the missing pill space

"It was an accident" I say quietly

"You know these pills don't always 100% work" she replies

"Mom stop fussing, it worked so be happy" I roll my eyes

"I just want the best for yo-"

I cut her off "I know you want the best for me but stop treating me like a 10 year old I don't like it, yes we didn't use protection but we was in the moment, those pills solved the problem"

I walk out to room and go in the bathroom to wash my face because I had been crying, when I looked In the mirror my eyes were a mix of red and blue  WTF

My heart rate sped up, I started to get a headache I narrowed my eyes as I heals my head.


I jumped and then looked up and the flower pot on the counter had smashed...this is not good

What do you think is going on?

I am so sorry for not being active but my phone is broken I dropped in a puddle when I was out and I'm trying to get it fixed that's why this is A rubbish update because my keyboard is broken ASSFFFFF

I hope you can understand🙂m

I'm trying my hardest typing on this broken water damaged fucking keyboard😂😂😂😂😂😂

572 words 🤷🏽‍♀️ i'm sorry

He's Psycho But I Love HimOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz