Chapter 29

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I'm slumped with Kida right now because Mateo is going mad at himself so he locked himself in the room and won't let me in so I came into Kida's room

"I just need to talk to her to see if I like her personality, if her personality is great then I'm sorry Will but I'm smashing" he says shrugging and I laugh

"DO NOT GET CAUGHT...little virgin ass" I say to him sternly and he laughs then throws a pen at me and it hit my forehead , that shit hurt. Why is everyone out to kill me

"I won't...but Will just has to understand that I can't control what my dick thinks, if you like something your gonna go get it right?, exactly so if your laying down and you want a drink for example you have to stand up right?" He says and I nod I know exactly where he's going with this "exactly so my dick stands up to go get what it wants" he smiles

I laugh violently until I almost start choking "boy your 15" I laugh harder

"So...age is just a number, your 20 with a child 🤷🏽‍♂️" he shrugs "very true"

"Where is Danielle anyway?" I ask looking at her stuff on her bed

"She with the twins"

"Aye be careful with her and them twins bro, I'm telling you they are hoes I don't care what nobody says, and the last thing you want is for Danielle to be dealing with you and zay at the same time

I said zay because he 16 right?

"Okay" he sighs

The silence is then broken when Danielle and Tayla walk in, Kida looks at Danielle then
Looks at me and I smile,

"Hey Leloo" Tayla says

"Only his close friends can call him that...sorry" Kida says turning his face up and I laugh

"Hi" I reply dryly before bursting into laughter again

"Ogleloo, follow me yah" Danielle sings

"Ayyeee, you good?" I ask and she nods

"Yeah I'm great thanks, you seen Mateo I need to give him something?" She asks

"He in our room all the way at the end...he's mad" I shrug

"Okay" she smiles before hugging me and Kida before she left the room

Tayla tried to hug us to but we quickly got up and I made a beat by banging on the wall and Kida started dancing just to avoid hugging her 😂😂😂

"I like her" Kida smile "corny assss" I laugh before getting hit again


I sit at the door pulling my hair out

"Mateo" I hear a small beaming voice and a light knock on the door that's not Layla or Tayla

I slowly get up and open the door and there stands a young girl about Kida age

"I saw your Instagram post about keeping quiet, I though you would like this" she says handing me something wrapped in plastic

I opened it and I was a mask with a panda mouth on it, I like this, I like it a lot

"Thank you Danielle" I say before hugging her tight

"It's all good" she smiled before walking away

Layla walked up to the door "mate-" I cut her off "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BYE" I yelled at her and she frowned and went to touch me but I used my eyes to push her away then I shut the door

I look in The mirror...I really like this mask, with this I feel like a whole different person

I watched as my eyes turned brown, I narrowed my eyes at the pillow and nothing happened...I took the mask off and then narrowed my eyes again and the pillow flew across the room

I smile widely

Your Thoughts on Danielle?

Just a lol extra for y'all

Is it's just me or is there anyone who can't read a book that looks like this 👇

Mateo : hi Ayo

Ayleo: hi Mateo

Mateo: it's a lovely day today

I just can't read books like that but yuhhhh it's 2am so I gots to go😂😂😂😂

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