Chapter 19

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I get woken up by Paris moving constantly in her sleep

"zavi stop....Mateo tell him to stop" she mumbles as she moves closer to me so I put my arm around her. She starts pushing me "Zavi stop...leave me alone" she then moans a couple of times " stop"

"paris wake up" I lightly shake her she fights me then wakes up and looks at me "he touched me again" she says as a single tear rolls down her face

"it was just a bad dream" i say then I hug her

"when did you come back?"  she asks

"like 3 hours ago"

"oh okay....I feel nauseous I need to go get water" she says getting up I look at her and notice she has a small bump

"babe are you sure your not pregnant"

"I don't know, I keep feeling sick and I'm still bloated"

"if you are you need to take your belly ring out because if it rips that shit will hurt"

"yeah I will, I'm just scared the hole will heal.... I was dipping my fries in my milkshake yesterday" she laughs

"eww what the fuck, paris that's gross"

"no its not its delectable" she laughs harder making me laugh "hot Cheetos and chocolate are good too"

"go get your water you nasty ass" i say as she walks out the room then a thought hits me "what if this baby isn't mine...and its Zavi's?, it cant be Zavi's because he used protection, but i didn't ask Paris if she thinks it split...and if  it did split then now is to late. If this baby is Zavi's then I'm just going to have to be a father role of a child that isn't mine.

all this thinking frustrates me I can feel my eyes going black.


I hear a smash come from the bedroom i walk in there and see that mateo's eyes are black and he's smashing things up.

I've only been out the room 2 minutes, what could've triggered him so fast

"Mateo stop" I say softly as I straddle him, I then place his hand on my stomach as my lips touch his, soon enough he stops, I pull away and look at him his eyes are now a mix of pink and green

"whats wrong, your irritated for why?" I say as I put my fingers through his hair and massage his head

"I was just overthinking" he mumbles

"about what?"

"never mind don't worry"

The next day

"paris somebody at the door...i think its ayo and Ashanti, can you get it please" Mateo yells from the bathroom...he's getting dressed

I open the door and there stands a chocolate colored girl with stiff ass weave...her hair is throwing up gang signs. she stands there with a baby in a pushchair

before you read on...who do you think this is?

"where's Mateo?" she spoke in an aggressive tone

"he's in the bathroom, I can pass a message if you want" I suggest and she looks me up and down "no bitch I wanna see him, and who are you anyway?"

"do not fucking speak to me like that tf, I'm Mateo's girlfriend why do you care?"

she looks at my stomach then back up at me "if he wont look after my child then he's not looking after yours either" she said and then she kicked me hard in the stomach

ohhh shit...what's gonna happen and what is Mateo going to do?

find out in tomorrow's episode of he's psycho but I love him  LMAOOO!

But on a serious note, what is about to go down?

- 617 words

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