Chapter 36

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"YO WHAT THE FUCK" I yell scaring AJ as I pull the guy of Ashanti and punch him constantly in the face

I narrowed my eyes at him and that surprisingly pinned him down while I punched him

(He going psycho👀)

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN" I yell before punching him unconscious


When Ayleo was finished with that guy he turned to me and he was about to grab me "he said he would kill AJ if I didn't" I say really quickly and he freezes up

"Her raped you?" He asks and I nod "three times one of them being in front of AJ" I cried

He goes into the kitchen and carelessly slams the knife into the guy without no hesitation at least 50 times

"Ayleo stop!" I cry as I hold tightly onto AJ

"I'm hiding the body" he says dragging the dead man out the house.


Mateo found the rest of the cocaine and heroin I had left In the bathroom, I was supposed to put Asia to sleep then go into the bathroom and take more soon as I laid down with her I was fast asleep

He calls me so I put Asia in her crib and go downstairs

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" He yells at me and I flinch as I back away into the corner

"PARIS?!" He yells louder and I start to sob "stop yelling Mateo" I mumble quietly as tears run down my face

"ARE YOU GOING TO AWNSER ME?" He yells again I slowly slide down the wall as my hands go over my face

"Now that I'm seeing you in the light, you've been taking this haven't you? You've lost weight and your hair is thinner then normal...have you took this?" He asks calmer

"Don't worry Mateo" I cry

"HAVE YOU FUCKING TOOK THIS, YES OR NO?" He starts to get mad



I pull her up and hug her, "I tried to kill myself" she mumbles so I hug her tighter

"I'll help you get better baby" I say into her neck

Then I look at her wrists because I feel cuts

"Why did you cut?" I ask and she looks at me "because it felt good....for like 5 seconds then it started to sting and I struggled to hold Asia" she sobs

"Let me make them worse to make them better babe" I say looking at her arm I use my eyes to reopen her cuts, she whimpers and holds my hand tighter

I stare at her arm and the cuts fade "better?" I ask and she doesn't reply, she just starts to shake

"M-Mateo I need t-that heroin" she stutters trying to get it from behind me

I throw it in the trash, "no, eat something" I say pulling her into the kitchen

"Nooo" she whines  "yes"

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