Chapter 27

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As the movie finished devantè got a text and he told me he needed to leave and he would be back round tomorrow,

I to the door with him "I'll see you tomorrow" i smiled "can I get a kiss before I leave?" He asks

"Devantè, Mateo is my boyfriend" I tell him "and I'm your best friend" he continues "exactly, were not about to go through this again go home you headass" I laugh and he waved at me before leaving

I'm not gonna lie I've always thought that devantè was sexy but my baby Mateo is sexier so I don't give a fuck

I went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water then I realised Mateo left his pills on the counter 🤦🏽‍♀️ great...he's so damn ignorant and stubborn it's unbelievable


As I woke up I realised I was still laying with Layla, I slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and my eyes were multi colored...I need my pills but I left them on the counter...on purpose, I wish Paris was here right now because I can feel myself starting to switch I sighed deeply and splashed some water on my face to cool myself down a little

I walked out the bathroom and laid back down with Layla she turned to me "why you shaking Mateo?" She asked me and I shrug, she wraps her arms around me pulling me into a hug

It's working, she's making it stop she then kissed my cheek which calmed me down fully I sigh in relief


"How is Mateo?" Ashanti spoke from the other side of the phone

"He's okay, at the minute he's making the wrong choices" I say


"There's a girl here and he's laying with her, and they're feeling on each other" I sigh

"It's probably not even that deep" she hummed

"No babe they are hugging and feeling on each other like how we do when we're in bed, this is not the first time he's done something like this with another girl and when Paris finds out she will go mad" I worry

"Why you so worried baby calm down" she calms me

"Paris is the only one who can deal with mateos anger and psychotic behavior without her he will fall apart"

"That's true...don't let it stress you, when he talks to her on the phone that might make him get his priorities straight because he's forever fucking up" she sighs

"Yeah maybe"

"Anyways I gotta go feed the baby and put him back to bed" she yawns

"tell AJ to save some titty for dad" I laugh (Ayleo Junior)

"Boy shh, and don't be touching on Layla's twin, I will find out and I will cut your dick off" she threats

"I won't babe, I'll talk to you tomorrow I love you" I say before ending the call


"I've always wondered what it's like to have someone who cares about me the way you do" I say as she plays in my hair

"Why when was your last girlfriend?" She asks

"Last year" I tell her

"I want a family, and I want a baby sometime in my life" she sighs

"Yeah me too, I don't want a baby just yet though...dancing comes first before responsibility"

"You right" she beams she looks at me and I look at her lips

I kiss her slowly and she kisses back, my hand slides up her shirt and her hand slides into my basketball shorts

Oooh👀 do y'all think that maybe he misses Paris and needs comforting like he's with her 😂😂😂 or is it just me 😂😂😂😂

This is just a short lil extra it's 3am and I got school tomorrow

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