Chapter 5

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Paris ~ 9:43

Mateo lays on my stomach and I rub his back, he's got a hangover and he's thrown up like 3 times

Ayo knocks then walks in "woahh! Did y'all fuck?" he asks looking at my sweatpants on the floor "no" I laugh

"What's wrong Mateo?" He asks

"He's got a hangover, he keeps throwing up" I say

"Good that's what yo bitch ass get for kissing other bitches" Ayo says

"Shut up bruh" Mateo says as he walks to the bathroom and shuts the door

"Have you talked to each other about last night yet?" Ayo whispers and I shake my head no

"Alright, well Ashanti told me me to give you these" he says

He hands me a bag and I look in it it was all my hygiene stuff and clothes

"Yo mama dropped it here on her way to work" he said and I smiled

"Thanks Cheeto head ahh" I said and he laughs as he walks to the bathroom "Mateo you good?" He asks "tell Paris that I need her" he says, he was laying on the floor with his arm over his eyes.

Ayo gestures me to the bathroom then he walks out. I go in the bathroom "can you stay with me tonight?" Teo asks and I nod as I sit on the floor and rub his head "yeah" I say

He threw up for the 5 time then he washed his mouth out and laid down

I spent the whole day taking care of Teo , we was constantly in and out of the bathroom, I got time to shower and put on one of Mateos oversized shirts, ima save my clothes for tomorrow


Mateo nudged me out of my light sleep "Paris come with me" he said "nigga where to?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes "the kitchen, I'm hungry as fuck"

"Are you good now?, no more throw up?" I ask and he nods "yeah I'm fine now I'm just hungry" he smiles cutely

As we walked I the living room to get to the kitchen, Ayo and Ashanti were making out on the couch

"Eewwwwww nastyyyyy" Mateo joked

Ayo looked at him "nigga shut up stop acting jealous because nobody kiss you with yo big ass gorilla lips" he says and me and Ashanti laugh

"Bro, I was kissing that girl la-" I look at him sternly making him stop talking

"Ooooohhhhh" Ayo said grabbing popcorn off the coffee table and watching us

"I'm talking about you" he lies with a smirk on his face

"Don't make me slap that smirk off yo ashy skin, when last night did we kiss huh?"

He looks At me with a blank expression

"You know that bitch is my ex best friend right and yo stupid ass kissed her disease covered lips, dumb ass mothefuck-"

He cut me off by kissing me passionately, I kissed back and the kiss lasted 3 seconds "calm down" he chuckled "ooooouuuuu" Ayo and Ashanti said like little kids

"Do y'all date, I'm just curious" Ashanti asks

"Nah, were just best friends" Teo said and I agree

"More like best friends with benefits, y'all be kissing like a married couple" Ayo says

Me and Teo laugh

"Paris come here you got something on your face" Mateo smiled, I walked over to him

He cupped my face in his hands and licked my eyebrow I push him away

"Mateo carry on doing that and I'm gonna spit in your damn eye" I say

Ayo bursts out laughing "what he doing?"

"He keeps licking my face" I say looking at him, he smirks at me "that's not the only thing I'm finna lick" he says discreetly in my ear

"And you face is not the only thing I'm gonna be kicking, cuz I'm finna kick you in yo dick I did it before and I'll do it again"

Me and Mateo was laying in bed and he was being annoying

"Paris let me get a kiss" he complained as he pulled me closer to him "Mateo I just wanna sleep" I whine and he sighs

He climbs on top of me and pouts "pleaseee, then I'll leave you alone"

I kiss him but then it became intense again

"I want you to be mine" he whispered

My cheeks got hot and my heart started pounding fast, I tried to talk but it was almost like I couldn't

So I just pulled him back down and continued the kiss

This was a bummy update just to finish off what happened in the last update but the next update finna be lit
~ Aaliyah

-778 words

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