chapter 28

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We arrived at a hotel the next morning and our manger Will had the sharing arrangements of who will share a room

We all got off the bus and got our luggage out the trunk as we walked into the hotel this was probably the nicest hotel I been to

The top floor of the hotel was reserved for us all so it's just dancers up here

"Right so Zay and Key,
Tayla and Ayo
Layla and Mateo
Kida and Danielle
Meechie and toosie that's the sleeping arrangements, nobody is to be found in someone else's room after 10pm " Will says

"Wait Will who is Danielle?" Kida asks

"Danielle she's a 15 year old dancer, she already live up here so she should be here shortly" Will says and I laugh as Kida smirks

"If I found out any funny business is going on between any of y'all then you ass is going back home okay" he then said and that reminded me

"Aye Will, can I talk to you about something real quick?" He nods ands pulls me to the side

"I really think you should switch the sharing arrangements, me and Mateo should share and Layla and Tayla should share" I suggest

"Why?" He asks so I had to think of something quickly "I can't sleep without Mateo" I lie

"Alright" he says walking back to everyone

"Change of plan, Mateo and Ayleo will share and Layla you'll share with Tayla" he says and their facial expressions faded

Everyone was sent to their rooms to unpack and for the rest of the day just chill and talk


"Why did you do that?" Mateo asks me as he unpacks his stuff

"Why did I do what?" I ask unpacking mine too

"Why did you request for me and you to share a room when I was happily fine sharing with Layla"

"Because your cheating on Paris Mateo, you have a whole girlfriend at home and you about to have a whole baby soon and your here hoeing around, were not here to slack off...where here to make dancing our career, were here to get bigger and well known" I rant and he damn ignorant

" Paris isn't here to do it but I am so take your pills" I say pulling a pot of pills out my suitcase

"I left those at home, how did they get here?" He asks "Paris gave me an extra pot ages ago so take it now" I said and he shook his head and tried to fight me

I put him in a headlock and shoved the pill into his mouth, I then put my hand over his mouth until he swallowed the pill

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" He yells at me as he pushes me away "YOU MADE MY ASS CHEW ON THE DAMN PILL" he says with a disgusted expression on his face he went to the bathroom and started gagging and heaving because the taste of the pill, I laugh violently


"Girl I wish me and Mateo was sharing a room" I said to Tayla as I sit on her bed

"I wish me and Ayo was sharing a room, the nigga fine as fuck" she smiles at me

"I'll give you $20 if you you let Mateo come in here every night and you share with Leloo" I said and she thought about it

"$20 every time he shares with you?"she asked and I nod

"It's a deal"


I looked up from my phone as someone was coming into the room, it's Danielle and OhManGodDamn she is sexy😍

"Hey Kida" she waves as she pulls in her suitcase and 2 bags

"Hey, lemme help you out" I said taking her 2 bags and placing them on her side of the room

"Thanks" she smiles then she flops down on her bed and sighs


I laugh harder when i realised I made Mateo throw up

He walks out the bathroom with the mouthwash in his hand staring me down

"Throw that shit on me and I'll throw your ass out this room, you can sleep outside" I laugh backing away,

He walks to my shoes and pours mouthwash in my 13s 😐😐😐😐😐😐 so I go through his suitcase and find his 13s then I throw one out the window and he punches me in the arm causing me to laugh as he walks out the room to go get his shoe


I call Mateo as I hold my stomach in pain....I think I'm in labour 😅


I get a FaceTime call from Paris as I walk down the hallway to me and Ayos room

"Hey babe?" I say to her as I smile

"Mateo...I think I've gone into labour" she whines in pain

"Hey Mateo" Layla says walking towards me, I just ignore her and go into the room

"Wait have your waters broke?" I ask and she nods her head as a tear rolls down her face "the baby is a whole 2 months early"

"I can't do this alone Teo, I need you" she whimpers lowly

"You can baby you'll be fine, I'll get Ayo to call Ashanti to take you to the hospital okay" I say and she nods "call me whenever your able to"

"I love you" she says before she ends the call then I realise Ayo is already on the phone to Ashanti telling her to take Paris to the hospital

What have I been doing? I have a whole family at home...why am I cheating like that 🤦🏽‍♂️ hearing her voice warmed me up inside and made me feel a whole bunch better.

Sorry this chapter is rubbish but it's just an informational update, it's things you'll need to know 😊

Hopefully Ayo can keep Mateo distracted from Layla

shesdifficult , I was bored so I made that for your story 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 it's kaheo and Mateo 😂😊💕

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shesdifficult , I was bored so I made that for your story 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 it's kaheo and Mateo 😂😊💕

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