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You awoke to the feeling of raw heat scorching your skin. The blinding lights above you evoked fear and confusion combined as you attempted to find your whereabouts.

But alas, it didn't happen.

What had happened?

You couldn't even comprehend at least one memory to help answer just a splinter of your question. Searching more for a small sign, all you saw besides the lights around you was the consuming darkness.

Were you... dead?

The moment you went to move, you were yet to find out that your arms and legs were in restraints. Restraints of some neon blue wiring. They clung to your wrists and ankles, tugging so hard that they might as well end your flowing bloodstream.

At least you weren't dead. That's a given.

You began to struggle, giving yourself false hope that you would break free from the restraints. For some reason, the wiring only seemed to tighten its grasp, causing more pain as they created marks of friction upon your now sore flesh.

"I advise moving as your last priority. The restraints tighten the more the prisoner attempts to escape. That, and it makes my job of containing you easier," A voice echoed through the darkness. It was so familiar, yet however hard you tried to ponder on whose it belonged to you couldn't think of one damn source.

"W-who are you?" You rasped out, surprised at your own voice. It was strained, worn out. Like you'd been shouting for some time and all it amounted to was failure.

"None of your concern," The same voice snapped.

"Where am I?"

"Again, none of your concern,"

"Well...w-why am I here?"

Suddenly, you saw a figure approach you. Not a human-sized figure no, but a very tall figure. By tall though you didn't just mean 6 foot. You mean at least 20 foot in height. Emerging from the darkness into the small light that you could see through, you were greeted with the last thing to be expected.

A robot.

Your eyes widened, and a deep intake of air formed into a gasp of utter shock as you faced this titan. The robot had the colour red all over it, even its eyes. Here and there were tints of yellow, and batches of black and grey. But mostly red. They showed no signs of softness, just controlled oppression.

The robot held an intimidating posture and smirk that brought fear to the very depths of your body. It only encouraged the robot to become even more proud and self-aware of his accomplishment to terrify you.

"I need only reveal myself and all are instantly speechless. Am I that much of an immaculate titan?" The robot half-bragged, eyeing you closely as you eyed it back. You had now come to a conclusion that the robot was extremely up itself.

"I-I'm not afraid," You replied adamantly, even if you presented fear as your main emotion with every breath you took. The robot sneered at you, an unnerving chuckle coming from his 'throat'. He then leaned closer towards you, arms resting peacefully behind his back, and that awful smirk spread on his face once again.

"Then why do you stutter?" Before you could think of a response, a second voice that also seemed oddly familiar came from the distance.

"Knockout! Has our guest awoken yet?" The red robot (who you had guessed was Knockout as of now) rolled his eyes and turned around, before giving you a slight wink that portrayed extreme cockiness. All you could do was listen.

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