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"Wake up!" That harsh voice snapped at you whilst your eyes were closed. Jolting awake you came straight into contact with the cherry red mech. His optics glowed with a burning lust for violence, making you cower down with fear (Over your short time here you had learnt some of the anatomy terms these Cybertronians had- again according to Knockout). Expecting his sharp digit to slice you again, you closed your eyes tightly.

Yet, it didn't.

Maybe it was just his usual expression.

It wouldn't be that surprising.

Instead, Knockout began to speak, but you were so exhausted the words went through one ear and out the other.

You had been trapped for what was only a week, but truthfully? It felt like years. Obviously, time flew when you had fun. This was the exact opposite. You arms nor your legs had gained the privilege to move just an inch in this real-life nightmare. You hadn't been able to change or even shower. Apparently, the mech had injected some sort of fluid that 'neutralised' your body's original functioning system. So he wouldn't have to deal with its constant need to excrete anything. But you still had to eat and drink. Which was surprising that Knockout allowed you to. But that could be to with the fact you had slipped out to him that this code he desperately wanted would not be leaving your body if you starved to death or was dehydrated.

Knockout's little research endeavour was making slow progress though. Mainly because Knockout was taking forever to actually start anything to do with it. Of course, he wanted the code to the base' location, but he had doubts it was even in your head. It amused the mech that Starscream was convinced the location was within you.

You didn't even know why he was so desperate to seek it out.

"Okay, so the thoughtful gaze is back," Knockout grumbled, retracting his helm so he could observe you. Since Knockout was tired of feeding you all the time (or you thought that at least), he had actually just told you he decided to let you do it yourself. Meaning you were allowed to have a limited time of exercise. Of course, you hadn't heard him actually say this. So Knockout swiftly undid your restraints without your realisation.

Walking away with a sigh, the mech said no more words. Finding it silently hilarious you were unaware to your small freedom.

"What will you do when you get the location of the Auto...Autobots?" You piped up, twisting your head around to the where Knockout had gone. You heard small echoes of clicks and beeps whilst Knockout typed on the computer.

"Wow, you're starting the conversation? That's progressive. You haven't done that for almost 8 days. What's changed?" Knockout returned with a hum, avoiding your question completely. Frowning, you continued.

"I asked you a question first,"

"Well observed doll,"

You couldn't prevent the rush of discomfort that flowed through your veins at that nickname. So in doing your very best to ignore it, which didn't work how you wanted, you returned back to your objective.

"Well, what are you going to do with this so-called base when you get its location?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," This caused you to groan out in frustration, like always though Knockout had to point out the less than pleased reaction.

"I wouldn't respond like that you know, I might have to put your restraints back on otherwise,"

Wait, what?

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