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Your eyes slowly opened to the sight of green trees whizzing past you, and the sound of a car engine revving its way through its path. Once aware of your senses you finally actualised you were sat in a car with internal colours red, yellow and black.

At first, you were confused since you glanced over to your left where you presumed the driver would be, but alas no-one was there. The steering wheel moved on its own like it had a mind of its own.

"You're finally awake," A voice then rung from the dashboard, it being practically equal to Knockout's. That was when you realised it was Knockout's.

"K-Knockout?" You then asked, just wanting to reassure yourself it was him. You looked around and noticed you were driving through a forest of a plentiful of colour. Leaves blew against the somewhat wind which hit the windscreen's surface. The trees covered the land, all apart from the twisting road that you rode upon. It looked to be raining given how gentle pitter patter noises could be heard above you, and also how the windows clutched to droplets of water that ran down them. Almost as though they were having races to see who was the quickest. No light from the sun was present making the aura in the air quite dull and almost deadened. It very much matched the mood of the atmosphere inside the car you were inside.

"It's me Y/N, you're okay," The vehicle replied. You sensed your eyebrows furrow, going to look at the steering wheel for a few seconds.

"How do you know my name?" You questioned, sitting up abruptly in the leather seat of the profoundly styled car. Knockout was staggering to reply, his engine roaring almost louder in your ears as if to pretend he didn't hear you.

"How do you know my name?!" Once more you attempted to answer. The frown there more when Knockout didn't answer again. Though the vehicle did screech to a halt.

"Look, I'll explain everything later, right now we're still in the signal of-"

Suddenly the noises of jet engines filled the air. You weren't phased, thinking it only practice runs for pilots. You were extremely mistaken by your assumptions, and something told you this by the way Knockout suddenly accelerated his engine to the point it could ruin many parts that helped it function.

"Scrap!" His voice rung through the inner walls of the car, making you flinch at his sudden choice of words. Now feeling slightly uneasy by his reaction you went to look out the back window to see if you could see what was going on.

There behind you and the cherry red mech were a group of six or seven jet planes, all a colour of purple and red. You recognised the colour scheme directly to be the same as those troopers that sauntered the Decepticon ship you were on for that amount of time.

As Knockout drove along the convoluting forestry road, he slipped out yet another curse when these planes started to open fire. The vehicle sped up very much so from this, trying to avoid the bullets of plasma that threatened to cause injury.

"Knockout w-why are they shooting at us?" You asked, holding onto your seat with a faint squeak when Knockout turned a sharp corner. He didn't reply though, just making you more concerned for what was happening, and why. So far Knockout was doing well with his communication of dodging and driving, his speed outran the bullets, letting them pour along the road behind you both. It left the concrete with many crumbling holes which made the road that gave the road so much neglect by the time someone else was to drive upon it would be past repair. Though fortunately from the looks of things the road appeared to be pretty isolated.

After a while, to both yours and Knockout's astonishment and suspicion, the rain of bullets suddenly came to a standstill. Bringing back the tranquil silence of the countryside. What you were unaware of was the fact there was one more vehicle in the air. They had yet to open fire.

The problem here was not the idea of it being one versus eight, but more towards the fact that this last flyer in the air had tracking missiles. If Knockout would have known this, he'd have been more than able to cause the projectile to collide into a rock or a hill from his equipped set of driving skills.

The hidden jet acquired his target, and with no remorse, he let his missile eject and travel towards its destination.

All you really processed was the hit in the back of Knockout's vehicle form, and a deadening cry from the cherry red mech which induced him to lose his driving line. You gazed back at the smoke clouding Knockout's rear window, which was fractured to pieces from the collision. Behind the smoke was a set of black tire marks on the road, winding in a side to side motion of no control. The top roof was dented, jagging inwards with a violent crash of metal. You felt Knockout start to lag in speed, your eyes broadening with fear of what was to happen.

Knockout wasn't unconscious, due to the grunt noises escaping him as if he were battling the idea of this. But then of all things to appear, there was a sharp turn and straight ahead was a line of fencing which signified a drop past its content. At this rate Knockout couldn't even stop, nor even think of stopping due to the pain he was in. You were clasped in space, not desiring to move out of panic of either hurting Knockout or doing something wrong.

So you stayed where you were, and let what happened, happen.

Knockout didn't make the corner in time, and he didn't find the means to stop. His front hit the fencing and broke it in two immediately, flinging you both into mid-air for several seconds. Your heart rate intensified rapidly when you felt Knockout's alt mode start to slant forwards, revealing the steep hill you were both about to crumble down.

It was rocky and bumpy, and here and there sharp. Not one soft landing point. It wasn't necessarily a death drop if one was to fall down, but given that you were in a car covered with broken glass and Knockout was already injured enough. You figured the both of you would probably not make it.

Your life flashed before your eyes, and all you could do was rely on fate to save you both now.


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