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"Well? Can I get a closer look or not?" You suddenly blurted, your tone raising a little bit as the cherry red mech made no response. Though you instantly shrank down into Knockout's palm when he gave you that specific look you couldn't stand.

"No," Knockout concluded, turning around so quickly you probably would have fallen off his servo.

"Why not?"

Knockout paused once more.

"I'd...rather not have my Lord be tainted by your touch,"

"Excuse me? Tainted by my touch?" You repeated, giving off a rather loud scoff.

"You heard me," Knockout returned, frowning down at you for your tone. For some reason though, you didn't seem phased by it this time.

"You're getting tainted by my touch,"

"That's different,"

"How is it any different?"

"It just is,"

"Bullshit!" You shouted, glaring up at the cherry red mech. Knockout stopped in his tracks, looking down at you- quite puzzled by your sudden choice of words. Just as you thought he was going to retaliate, the mech forced his gaze away from you.

So you took this as your chance.

Before Knockout could even think to react, you had bounced off his servo, using the rest of his body as a ladder. You then progressed to jump onto the ground and run for it. Knockout had realized what had happened and by now he was running after you, shouting all sorts of words for you to come back. Not listening though, you ducked from his grasp, charging behind the largest thing you could see to hide. Luckily the cherry red mech didn't see you do so.

"Come back here now!" Knockout shouted, frantically looking around for you. You held your breath, peeking through a crack between a table and a crate of sorts. It was the only protection you had right now. All you could do was wait for the right moment where Knockout had his attention elsewhere. As you waited, you could hear the doctor muttering words to himself. Most certainly specific worries or assumptions he had of his fate if you managed to scurry away. It was something you had noticed him do in your time here. The mech worried a lot.

Then, to help Knockout's situation, somebody made their presence clear from behind him.

"Might I ask what you are doing, good doctor?"


You looked between the cracks of your hiding space again, now taking notice of Knockout practically locking his pedes to the floor in worry.

"Lord Starscream, what a... pleasant surprise," Knockout greeted apprehensively, turning his back on the demised warlord, the table- and you, to face his leader. Your eyes widened as you saw this was your chance.

Taking your movements as slowly as you could, you began to shift along the wall. Away from Megatron, and closer to exit on your right. If you did this correctly the two mechs communicating would pay no notice to you, and you would be able to exit this room, to then exit the medical bay. You reached the edge of the crate, now focusing on the two mechs as they spoke. This part was riskier, so you prayed that Starscream would have one of his tantrums. Further distracting Knockout from what he had recently been doing.

"You lost the human?!" Starscream abused, his voice echoing throughout the room. Knockout shook his helm vigorously, crossing his servos in a denying motion.a

"No! I-"

"Then where is she?!"

"If you let me-"

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