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You winced once more as Knockout attended to the side of your face. Starscream had disliked something you had said to him on his third visit, and it ended in you being hurt. The cherry red mech had spoken of the sharp digits of Starscream, and now you knew what he meant. There was a deep red gash from your temple to your chin.

"Try to stay still," Knockout mumbled in concentration, doing the best he could to dab on the wound with his digits.

"S-sorry," You apologised, doing your best to not flick away from the soothing material.

It had been on odd few days. For some reason, Knockout was being nicer to you. You had done everything (unintentionally) to make him more refuted towards you yet he only became softer. You always recalled him saying that he would hurt you if you misbehaved, but the most that had happened was quite the opposite of that.

In truth, it was mainly after the endeavour where you tried to escape that he had changed his attitude. That was almost a month ago. It was strange, but it was something you were definitely happy with getting used to.

Though, you still wanted to know why he was suddenly being nice.

"Knockout?" You piped up, to receive a hum of acknowledgement from the cherry red mech. Waiting for him to move further up your wound to make it easier to speak, you went ahead and asked him the question.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

There was definitely a reaction, even if it wasn't very expressive. You felt Knockout's digits twitch ever so slightly, and even caught a peek of his red optics to blink in surprise at your question.

"I... I have no idea what you're talking about," Knockout responded slowly, as if trying to figure out what he wanted to say.

"What I'm talking about is right now," You stated, using your hands to gesture the situation you were both in. In which Knockout immediately pulled his servos away. He didn't respond this time, going to back up from your small structure.

"Listen, Knockout... You know you are, I can tell. But my question is why are you?"

"It doesn't matter," He replied almost instantly. Your eyes flicked over to his digits which clenched into fists, as if resisting from something. A little sigh left the back of your mouth as you hung your head and closed your eyes.

After a while of silence, you suddenly heard a loud scrape of metal on metal. Opening your eyes they widened instantly to see Knockout holding his wrist, blue emerging seeping from his knuckles. He was hissing, gritting his dentas together to cope with whatever pain he had put himself in. Just when you thought he'd react, the scraping of metal occured again. Knockout sent his knuckle towards a mark on the ship's walls, hitting against it and dragging it down.

You watched helplessly, something actually made you feel sorry for him, bad. You didn't know why he was doing this, but you were too afraid to ask. Though surprisingly as you watched the mech abuse himself, his words sent a shiver down your spine.

"I can't fragging deal with this anymore!" He shouted, hitting the wall a few more times before he suddenly stopped. You watched with a shaky breath, flinching when the mech turned around to face you. His face looked lost, in wonder but still so confused. His optic ridges sunk as his once smug stare lacked in confidence and fell to distraught.

What was going on?

"K-Knockout...?" You asked, heart beating quickly as he started walking towards you. His helm shook left to right, bottom denta trembling slightly.

Then out of all things to occur once his large frame approached you, his arm outstretched so your good cheek met his bleeding servo. Your eyes widened even more, the contact much too close for comfort as you tried edging away. You were worried he was going to suddenly lash out like a wolf and hurt you...but that didn't happen.

"I'm so sorry..." He said, pulling his servo away as his index digit went to sit under your chin, making you look up at him. You were extremely puzzled but met his gaze, thoroughly amazed by the sudden change in personality. Your mouth opened to try and form words, only to have Knockout's index digit to place itself at the centre of your lips. He made a hushing noise, before continuing on. It was odd. He didn't hush you aggressively or with affliction. But more like a mother calming their tearful child.

"W-we need to get out of here... R-right now," He got out through stutters, going to release you from the restraints that cancelled ability to move. He wrapped his digits around your waist, keeping you close as he went to start hurrying around the room, grabbing random certainties that sent evermore confusion your way.

The whole time you remained quiet, trying to process the sudden rush of facts and thoughts. Almost to the point that Knockout was no longer the centre of your thoughts, but the sides, top and bottom of them as well.

After a few minutes of being bounced around Knockout finally crashed to a stop. He stood in front of a door and stared at it. Then after a few seconds, the mech advanced to coat your eyes with his servo, and all you heard was a door being opened and a few seconds of silence.

"Goodbye, my friend... I will miss you," Knockout's voice suddenly echoed before the sound of a door being closed could be heard again- and his servo left your eyes. His voice had enunciated itself in a saddening and downhearted manner, something making you fall into more wonder. You adjusted your vision back to normal, yet all you saw was a blur of black and grey as Knockout scurried once more around.

"Knockout what's going on?" You then asked, finally finding the courage to speak. Knockout looked down at you and met your gaze, a gentle expression on his face.

"I'll explain everything later, for now though- I advise you rest," Knockout said, placing you down on the worktable and twisting you around efficiently. You aimed to turn, only to be firmly held in place by two of Knockout's digits.

"What do you-?" You started, thought was cut short after feeling a prick hit your back. You frowned, going to turn to look, but caught the flash of a needle out the corner of your eye clung to Knockout's servo. Your eyes widened as you went to look at him, seeing an apologetic look on his face.

As you tried to speak, you felt yourself start to lose consciousness, swiftly at that as well. Just when you went to walk towards Knockout everything went black, and you felt yourself start to fall forwards.

Whether something caught you were to be unknown to you at the moment it occurred, all your senses and nerves fell into decline to be able to tell you so.

Though something definitely did catch you.

Or someone.


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