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My dad was six feet above me but had no idea I was here. Although I wanted to scream and thrash around and make as much noise as I could, I knew I wasn't being held captive here. I mean, I was tied up in a cellar, but I wasn't really a captive here. I chose to come. If I hadn't, Titus wouldn't have even had a chance at living again.

I wondered if that healer had done it yet, if he had brought Titus back to life already. It was weird to think he was walking around, sassing Rian around again, without me there to watch. We hadn't known each other for long, but Titus had a special place in my part. No matter how stubborn and jerkish he could be.

Speaking of healing, I thought about the gash in my shoulder. I hadn't bothered to change the dressing in days. After I showered next, I would find some dressing to patch it up with. Infection was the last thing I needed to add to my list of problems.

The voices overhead broke into a chorus of shouts. My heart crawled anxiously into my throat. Something crashed to the ground—like a body—and I jumped. What was going on up there? If Maxen hurt my dad, I would kill him. I didn't know how I would go about doing that, but I would. Why had that dummy come out here anyway? Mr. Nick said he was only trying to protect me, which was probably true, but I had come here willingly.

As the shock wore off, the longing to see his face began to build in my chest. I missed him so much. I just wished I could see his face. Not for him to see mine, but for me to see his. He couldn't know I was here. It would only make this situation more complicated than it already was.

Animalistic snarls shook the house, and the violent noises made their way out of the room above me. Within seconds, the house was completely silent. I started chewing on the stupid gag to see if I could get rid of it. This was a little over the top. If Maxen had just explained what was going on, I would have complied. At this point, he should know I would do almost anything to keep my loved ones safe. I was even a little offended that he thought I would do something rash. When did I ever act impulsive?

Time progressed at the pace of a lethargic snail. I wanted to bang my head against the wall. It was so dark and quiet and still down here. Just to keep myself from going mad, I thought about my dad coming to this place.

Had he come alone? Or did he bring more Rogues, like Mr. Nick, with him? When did he return to the States? Had he come directly here, to Nevada, or did he stop in Georgia to see my mom first? Not to mention, how did he even get over here when his deployment still had months left? Nothing made sense. I needed to talk to him and get answers. Yet I couldn't talk to him, because that would screw up this deal.

I closed my eyes and dreamt of what it would feel like to hug my dad again. He was the best hugger. His arms could squeeze and squeeze until it felt like the life would just burst from my fingertips. Those same arms also made me feel safe, protected, and loved. It wasn't a better feeling than what I got from Rian, but it wasn't worse either. They were just...different. I wanted them both in my life, but I was starting to doubt the likelihood of that happening.

The hatch flew open, and sunlight flooded into my dark space. I cringed into the wall, turning my burning eyes away. Once my pupils had adjusted, I squinted into the light to see who was now descending the stairs. What could only be Maxen's enormous figure came to my rescue. He was covered in sweat, still shirtless, and looked furious.

First, he pulled his shirt back over my head and onto his body. Then, as he squatted down beside me, his hands began to work off my gag. I shot him a glare until the suffocating cloth fell away. I licked my chapped, aching lips and tried to figure out what I wanted to say to him.

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