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Confused, I stared at the petite blonde figure marching towards us. Faye? But I was kissing Faye. What was going on? I was definitely hallucinating.

"Get off him," second Faye snapped.

"You finally decided to show up, huh?" first Faye purred, pressing closer to me. "What a shame. Things were just getting good."

Crunch. Second Faye threw a punch to First Faye, who screamed as she fell off of me. I jumped to my feet and grabbed Second Faye, although this did sort of pique my interest in a very strange way. She spun around and decked me in the face. 

"Ow!" I hissed. "What the—"

"Why were you about to have sex with her in the woods? Do you want me to murder you?" demanded Second Faye. "I flew across this whole friggin country to be with you again, and this is what I get? Once I'm finished with her, I'm castrating you with a rock."

My mouth hung open. That was hot. Sort of. She turned to face First Faye, who was now back on her feet. First Faye looked pissed.

"Did Maxen send you?" Second Faye snapped. "Is this one of his sick games?"

Maxen? How did he get pulled into this? My imagination was taking this a little too far.

"As if," First Faye replied with a snort, rolling her eyes. "He's going to kill me when he finds out I left."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I came to get my revenge."

"On who?"

"You, you idiot."

Second Faye looked offended. "Me? What did I ever do to you?"

"You took Maxen from me! He was so close to falling in love with me before you had to come along and screw it all up."

"I never asked for Maxen to like me. I never wanted to be in Nevada in the first place, so don't blame this on me."

"But I thought you so nobly chose to go to Nevada? To save you boyfriend's best friend, am I right?" First Faye sneered, something completely out of her character. "After all, I believe I was the one who healed that friend."

Second Faye groaned and pulled at her hair. "I never intended to see Maxen again, Michelle! He is all yours! You don't have to worry about me taking your man because I have my own." With that, she burned me with a glare. "A man who I now have to castrate because he thinks it's okay to sleep with other people."

Wait, Michelle? Did she just call First Faye by Michelle? As in, skinny blonde healer with an attitude who brought Titus back to life?

"It doesn't matter if you're gone!" First Faye screeched. "He loves you! He can't even stand to look at me while we're making lov—"

"Gross!" cried Second Faye. "I can't help it that he doesn't love you. I'm sorry, but I can't. Maybe you need to find someone else who will give you what you need."

"You don't—"

"WAIT." I held up a hand. "Hold on. Someone catch me up on what's happening right now. Why did she call you Michelle?" I asked First Faye.

They both looked at me, one with annoyance and the other with disbelief. Then First Faye shimmered like a mirage and slowly morphed into a tall, bony blonde with piercing blue eyes. In other words, Michelle.

My hand flew up to my mouth. I made out with her? I was about to mate with her? Nausea rolled up my esophagus, and I bent forward to vomit between my knees.

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