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It felt like they were taking hours and hours. I almost disregarded Rian's request for me to stay here, but I reminded myself to be patient. This was not going the way any of us anticipated, so of course they were going to take time to work things out.

Maxen was the first one to return to the apartment. I leapt up from the couch, more than ready to be informed. Sighing, he waved a hand at me.

"Did anyone die?" I pressed.

"Two from my group. One from your pack."

"Who were they?"

"Nick wasn't one of them," he assured me, somehow reading my mind. "You never told me how you escaped the cave."

Biting my lip, I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.


"I promised him immunity if he would let me go."


"Yeah. I said I would make sure that my dad wouldn't kill him for joining your pack and that Rian wouldn't kill him for trying to take me."

His lips pursed. "You may want to reconsider how you're going to uphold that deal."

"What do you mean?" The insult oozed into my voice.

"Rian already tried to kill Nick today. A few minutes ago, actually. If I hadn't intervened, he would've been killed."


"So the next time you think you can just make anyone do anything you want," Maxen told me, collapsing onto the couch, "think again."

"Where are Rian and Nick right now?" I demanded.

He shrugged.

Groaning, I began marching towards the broken back door. Mr. Nick couldn't die. I'd made him a promise.

"Faye, don't you step out that door," Maxen warned from the couch.

"Lay off." I quickened my pace when I heard him rise to his feet.

"Faye," he growled.

My legs chugged into a sprint. The sputtered curse sounded not far behind me. He was closing the distance between us way faster than I'd expected. I didn't even reach the first desert mound when his arms trapped my waist and lifted me off the ground.

"Maxen!" I spat. "Put me down!"

Well, he did. But a little too far down. One moment my legs were dangling a foot off the ground. The next, I was laying in the sand with his giant arms planted on either side of my head. A tremor of fear worked its way through me.

"What did I tell you?" he snapped. "Stay in the house. Yet here you are, trying to get yourself killed."

"Nobody's getting killed! If your packs stopped fighting, where's the danger?"

"You aren't taking the risk. Not after all of those wolves were letting their primal instincts dominate them. It's dangerous."

Clenching my teeth, I attempted to wiggle out of his cage. He squeezed my sides with his knees, however, and managed to stop me. I turned my glare up on full force.

"Fine! Can you at least take me to Nick?"


"Why not?"

"Like I said, it's too risky."

"Even if you're with me?"

His mouth paused in hesitation before he seemed to gather his thoughts. "My wolves will not attack you, but your little boyfriend's might. Especially the rag-tag Omegas and Rogues from your father. They have no allegiance to Rian nor me."

"They wouldn't hurt me," I insisted. "My dad would tear them apart."

"He might, but that doesn't mean they won't mistake you for prey."

Sighing, I closed my eyes. "Whatever you say."

"That's right," he grumbled. "If I let you up, are you going to behave?"

"I gu—"

"What is going on?" someone demanded.

I opened my eyes and twisted my neck around to glimpse the face that belonged to the voice. Rian's crystal blue eyes flickered angrily between me and Maxen, who still had me caged in his arms.

Uh oh.

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