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Frank laid in the bed with Gerard, cuddling with him.

"Frank." He whispered.

His husband could tell that he was in pain.

"I'm right here. I love you." He assured.

"Please...help me remember..." He shivered slightly.

"Okay, honey."

"Sure you wanna do this?"

"Hell yes." Gerard smiled.

He wore a grey beanie and had an oxygen-producing machine in his backpack that connected to a cannula that connected to his nose so he got enough oxygen.

"Hiking, though?" Frank but his lip. "I don't want you to get hurt. We didn't bring the wheelchair, what if you-"

"Frankie. Listen to me. I'm okay. I can do it." He insisted.

So they were off down the trail. Gerard walked slowly, using Frank's arm for support. Frank just wrapped an arm around his waist to take some of the weight off his feet and steady him.

"You need the crutches? I did bring those-"

"I'm fine." He focused on the ground.

The cancer was spreading, they'd been told that weeks ago. There was a tumor in his heart, quite a few in his lungs. He could hardly walk anymore but still wanted to do this.

"I just need to do this before I'm gone." He whispered. "It won't be the same if I chicken out and use crutches."

"Don't talk like that. You'll kick cancer's ass."

"Oh most definitely, with my three months to live." He scoffed sarcastically. He tugged at the beanie, though he had short hair that they'd bleached.

He stumbled, fingers digging into Frank's arm. Frank didn't care. He tightened his grip on his husband, kissing his cheek.

"I've got you." He promised. "I'm not gonna let you fall."

That day, they climbed a mountain.

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