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"Frankie..." Gerard whispered in a barely audible voice. His eyes were closed and he looked close to death.

"I'm right here. I love you." Frank stroked his hair, biting back tears.

"It hurts." He grimaced, holding Frank's hand slightly tighter.

"I know. I know and I'm so sorry." Tears stained his cheeks.

"Sing." He pleaded.

"Anything for you." Frank broke down, sobbing quietly.

"Turn away," Gerard sang softly. "If you could get me a drink of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded."

Frank held his hand.

It was a chemo session, toward the end of chemo. Right before they realized they couldn't buy him any more time.

He hated the needles. He was terrified of needles. Each time, Frank would cover Gerard's eyes and kiss him as the needle went in, then cover his eyes and kiss him when they took it out.

Gerard quietly sang until he fell asleep. He didn't have the beanie on at the moment and it showed all his surgery scars.

He was pale and sick, weak and thin. He was so sick. He slept all the time. It killed Frank to see him like this.

He absently caressed Gerard's hand, watching him breathe. The other patients around them talked and nurses shuffled but Gerard was so peaceful. He knew it would be short lived.

After the treatment, he woke.

"Frank." He managed before throwing up.

"Oh, it's okay, babe. It's alright." He rubbed Gerard's back as he retched.

The nurses rushed forward to clean up the mess and Gerard collapsed against Frank.

He picked Gerard up, feeling his weak arms wrap around his neck. He hadn't gotten much on his shirt, so Frank would just carry him to the car.

Gerard barely weighed ninety pounds at this point. He was extremely unhealthy.

Frank carried the light boy through the hallways, knowing he was asleep. He was so small. So fragile.

Frank kept him close.

The Light Behind Your EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant