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The hacker was relentless, posting so much emotional content.

A video of Gerard having a seizure was the one that set Frank off this morning.

"That...that was for medical purposes." He looked defeated. "The doctor wanted to observe his seizures."

But here it was, all over Twitter.

The video where Gerard shook and sobbed though he was unconscious. The video where his weak body curled in on itself into positions that hurt him.

Gerard hadn't woken up today. It was getting harder and harder for him to stay awake.

He'd wake up at four in the afternoon and be asleep by seven. Those were the days that he did wake up. He slept for several days straight.

Frank kissed his forehead gently, crying softly. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "You didn't want it...but the media knows what's happening to you. They hacked our phones and stole pictures of you."

Gerard didn't respond. He just kept up with his frail but even breathing, asleep. He grimaced uncomfortably in his sleep, trying to shift his position.

Frank laid down, holding his husband close. Gerard seemed to lean into his embrace a bit, breathing pattern changing. He was awake.

He didn't know what was going on.

Naturally, Gerard started to cry. He was so scared.

"Shh, honey. It's me. I'm right here, baby. It's Frank." Frank

Gerard tucked his head into the crook of Frank's neck, weak fingers curling around Frank's shirt. "Don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving. I'm not going anywhere."

"B-but you said you didn't want me." Gerard was clearly delusional.

"I'm here. I'm sorry. I'm right here." Frank stroked his hair gently.

"You said it was too much work." He sniffed.

"No, honey, no. I never left. I've been right here, by your side, for months."


"Honey, it was all a dream, okay? I didn't go anywhere. I'm staying with you." Frank spoke softly, reassuringly.

"Frank." He whispered, more tears pricking his eyes.

"I love you, Gee. I'd never, ever leave you." The stronger lifted Gerard so he was sitting up, but Frank was the one holding him up.

"I wish I could go outside." Gerard whispered, looking out the window that was blocked by semi-transparent blackout curtains.

"You'd get sick, Gee." Frank laid him down, walking over to open the curtains. Usually light hurt Gerard's eyes.

"You wanna look outside?" He offered.



When Mikey entered later, he couldn't help but take a picture.

Frank was standing by the window holding Gerard bridal style. Gerard's eyes were open slightly and he was smiling, feeling the warmth of the sun for the first time in months. He had a hand loosely gripping the neckline of Frank's shirt.

He was beautiful.

He was ashamed.

He looked up at Frank with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Gee."

Gerard hadn't made it to the bathroom. He'd taken two weak steps and fallen down, puking on the floor. He didn't have the strength to get up. So he'd laid there, curled up in a ball until Frank got home.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose. It's alright." He lifted Gerard up, carrying him to the bathroom.

"I tried..." He whispered.

"I know, baby. It's perfectly okay. I'm proud of you for trying." Frank undressed him gently after sitting him down on a chair in the shower.

"This is so...de-degr-" Gerard bit his lip. "Fuck!"

"Calm down." Frank knelt down in from of him, meeting eye level. "You are the strongest, prettiest, most amazing person I've ever met. I'm so, so proud of you."

"I don't want to die like this." He cried.

"I know, Gee. I don't want you to die like this either. You've still got time to kick this thing's ass."

"Frank, I can't walk anymore. It takes me minutes to reply to anything you say." He was telling the truth. "If I were a dog, they would've put me down already."

He made rare eye contact with Frank. He didn't look him in the eyes very often anymore. "I'm not gonna beat this."

And so they both broke down crying in the shower.

The Light Behind Your EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora