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After much drowsy pleading, Frank finally took Gerard outside.

It was cool October weather. Gerard was bundled up in jackets and blankets, small in the wheelchair. He was asleep.

"Hey, honey." Frank tried to rouse him.

No response.

"Gee." He shook him lightly.

Nothing more than a soft moan escaped Gerard's lips.

"Hey, babe, look where we are." He kissed his husband's cheek.

"F-Frankie..." He slurred, eyelids fluttering.

"That's it, Gee. Wake up for me, baby."

He opened his eyes, smiling faintly.

"It's the park where we first kissed." Frank held his hand. "You wanted to go outside."

Gerard took as deep of a breath as he could, grinning contently.

Frank put his head on his spouse's shoulder, content.

"I love you." He whispered, feeling Frank take his hand.

"I love you too, Gee." He softly turned Gerard's head to face him, pressing his lips against the colder ones.

He could feel Gerard smiling.

"Frank?" Gerard was perched on top of the tallest slide.

"Yeah?" Frank was laying in the mulch, smoking and looking up at Gee.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" He began his decent from the slide.

"Once. I was drunk."

"That doesn't count, then."

Gerard laid next to him, stealing his cigarette.

"Hey, that's mine!" Frank whined.

Gerard took a drag before pressing his lips to Frank's. Frank kissed back almost immediately. It was a gentle kiss, nothing sexual or rough about it.


They woke up to the sound of talking.

"Oh shit." Gerard giggled. "We fell asleep."

"Which means that I've gotta split." Frank sighed. "I'll see you later."

They both stood. Frank wrapped an arm around Gee's waist and kissed him again before grabbing his backpack and running off.

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