Nct u/127- Jaehyun

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I am so sorry for such a long wait. This is for the lovely @japanblossoms I hope you enjoy darling!


Rameena's P.O.V

I throw on the closest jumper to me which just so happens to be my Exo jumper which is probably the comfiest jumper ever and I head out even though it is quite late, about 10 pm so it's dark out but I enjoy night strolls they help me think and clear my head. As I reach the park bench I feel as though I'm being followed but I brush off the feeling, I'm probably just imagining it I walk to my favourite park bench it has the best view of the lake which is home to beautiful white Swans, I love the way the moon reflects off of the water. As I sit down listening to the noises that pass me as I fade away from reality. Suddenly a voice from beside me startles me "Um may I sit here" a boys voice asks "yeah sure" I reply and move my legs off of the bench to allow room for him to sit after a good long but very awkward silence I hear "Hi, what's your name?" come from his direction, I honestly don't know what to say so I just blurt out whatever comes to mind first. "Haven't you ever heard the sayings stranger danger and you shouldn't talk to strangers?" I quickly cover my mouth realising how rude I just sounded "of course I have, hasn't everyone" he laughs and it's a sweet sound "But you stranger have just started a conversation with me" he turns to face me I just stare at his features. Jet black hair which is dyed, a jawline so sharp it could cut wood and such beautiful lips, I snap out of my trace "I guess you got me there, my name is Rameena and you are?" I hold out my hand to shake as a sign of peace "Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun" he smiles as he gladly shakes my hand, I look at him some more geez he sure is handsome.

Jaehyun's P.O.V

I think she's staring at me, how cute! I take this moment to look at her features she's quite stunning her long black hair that flows down her back the dark brown tips at the end of it that's can only just be seen in the moonlight and that's without mention of her mesmerising brown eyes and the slight blush along her cheeks. "Rameena I know we just met but could I um I-I have your number maybe?" I feel my cheeks heat up "yeah sure" she smiles, I hand her my phone and she chuckles as she passes my phone back to me "I've got to go, I'll text you soon" I say as I smile and go to leave. "Goodbye... Handsome stranger" I hear her whisper.

Goodbye and I'll see you very soon, my beautiful stranger I mutter while walking away.

As I'm walking back to the dorm the biggest smile appears on my face when I look down at my phone and see Rameena's phone number and her contact saved as "stranger danger." Still chuckling as I reach the door, I change her name to "The most beautiful stranger." And text her good night.


Word count: 557

- Author xxxx

Nct imagines (editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now